Monday, January 30, 2006


and her Krishna

This Krishna was a gift
From my Guru
To Ojasvin, my son
Who also made a golden cap
And painted it blue
To crown his peacock feathered head
There was another gift from me
To my other son, Omjasvin
She was a beautiful Meera
With her tampura
In ecstatic meditation
Whenever I dusted the shelves
And rearranged the conscious dolls
Meera would find her place
Near her Krishna
Once when we shifted homes
The Krishna was intact
But the Meera was broken
Yet, not having the mind
To cast her to the dust bin
I put her on the kitchen shelf
There the broken and shattered
Meera, sits alone in Tapas
This time around
She did not insist on
A seat next to Krishna
I clicked her too
For this post
But some how
An error deleted her
Methinks, she has lost her self
And merged into her beloved Lord
And is no longer a separate Meera
But just Krishna alone.

- Swahilya


Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes, remaining in Tapas.

kitchenette soul said...


Dragonfly Shaman said...

The inanimate are never so....

Blessings to you dear Swaha

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@Kichennette: Yes.
@Swati: You're right.
@dragonfly shaman: Yes, now I'm beginning to see life even in the inanimate. Thank You.

Prakash said...

nice one....but i am confused though.....

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Why the confusion, Prakash?

Anonymous said...
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Matthew May said...

Very Beautiful Swaha, thanks. :)

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Matt: I'm finding it very difficult to get the time to post or watch the blogs on my links. Time was a great luxury in Chicago...I have to make it for myself here. Hope I succeed!

Unknown said...

Beautiful Swaha! It was so wonderfully described. SImple yet profound! Maybe your Meera decided to be what she was made for, to be one with Krishna.


Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Random Thoughts. Nice to hear from you. Swaha.