....to ponder while I get back home There are quite a lot of them here, just filling up with the joy of colours as I will be away from the computer for the next three days from tomorrow.
I enjoyed my stay in the United States and conversations with my blog friends.
1. A friend Rugma painted this while I was painting in meditation.
2. Painting of what my Guru, Swami Akshara once took out a paper and drew.
3. A vision of what I once saw when I looked into my bike's rearview mirror - I am That.
4. Shiva, the Lord of Yoga.
5. The crown chakra - Sahasrara.
6. Aagnya, the chakra between the eyebrows.
7. Vishuddhi - The energy centre at the throat.
8. Anahata - The heart centre.
9. Manipura: Fire centre in the navel
10. Swadhishtana: One's own seat of energy
11. Muladhara: Where one's roots are located
12. The Om in the end is hand-drawn out of blood that spilt
following a minor injury! My painter's mind saw it as yet another colour,
immediately reached out for a paper and painted it with the tip of my finger.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Some paintings....
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Thank you Swaha for your open heart. You are a walking blessing. Safe journeying!
Thank you George. I had a happy time here and take great memories with me. Love. Swaha.
I have been following your recent blogs during your stay in US. I hope you had a plesant stay there. Its wonderful to see you sharing your deep contemplation and all your experiences of the timeless wisdom as said in vedic scriptures, I am speechless about this as I write.
I heard that great commentaries have been recorded by realized Masters for divine aphorisms like "Tat tvam asi" and I am blessed to hear from your experiences too.
Beautiful Swaha. :)
Hi Swahilya,
Great one. Can we say that was a sum-up of your Chicago trip. Welcome back to India. India needs you.
Hi All: I'm at India now, deeply inhaling the spiritual air now, the power of which I realise even more.
@Varada: Thank You for your words.
@Matt: Thank You. You are most welcome.
@Hari: Thank You.
Interestingly, in my life there is no Jan. 9, 2006, because, it was Jan. 8 when I left Chicago and Jan. 10 when I reached India! But contemplating about this, I realised, what little the time of the clock has to do with the time our life is measured with.
On my contemplations of the beautiful scenes aboard AI, I'll post soon.
Namaste. Love. Swaha.
those are real good paintings... very vibrant and colourful!
thanx Sandhya
Thank you.
I have been thinking about Yoga.
Bikram Yoga. Is it good?
My eyes danced when I looked at your pictures, and my heart sang for joy at your beautiful expressions. Thank you for sharing. You are a delightful soul to know in this lifetime.
*Poet Guy: Thank You. I see from your blog that you live in the United States. I may not be able to tell you about Bikram Yoga, 'cos I don't know what or who that is. But I can say this that the moment your search for the knowledge has begun, you will meet your teacher soon.
*dragonfly shaman: Thanks for those nice words.
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