Monday, January 25, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra: 2 - 27

The seven steps

Tasya Saptadha Prantha Bhumihi Pragnya

Once in touch with awareness, the individual transcends seven steps to reach total awareness. The seven steps are described by many different masters in many ways. It could also be through the seven layers of consciousness, chakras or vortices of energy - the muladhara or earth, swadhishtana - water and vital energy, manipura - fire and mind, anahata - air and intellect, vishuddhi - space and bliss, agnya - sound and cosmic vibrations and sahasrara - the empty vast and cosmic awareness.
The more and more purity happens, through Tapas - austerity, swadhyaya - studying your own self and Ishwara Pranidhana - surrendering to the divine, the light of awareness present in all our states of existence begins to shine through. As it shines through each frontier of our being, that aspect of our life becomes known to us.
Awareness is like a torch. In darkness, all we need to reveal the different objects is to direct the torch at it and it becomes known. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 2-26

The light is you

Vivekakhyatihi Aviplava Hanopayaha|

The means of removing that Avidya or attachments to the people, things and happenings in life that are transient and come and go - is by identifying oneself with the ever- present awareness that helps you to discriminate between what is temporary and what is permanent. Awareness is like a floodlight on a football field. The light illuminates the field. Players come. Some win, some lose,some retire hurt, some abuse, audience cheer or swear. The light does not take part in all this. It just throws itself on what's happening. When the match is over, the ground becomes empty again and the light continues to reveal the empty ground. Similarly our awareness is theinner light that helps us to be aware of what we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and think during our waking hours, watch our dreams during the dream state and realise the next morning that we slept well in the deep sleep state. Identifying always with this awareness is the only way to come out of the ignorance of clinging on to the transcient things and fretting or getting excited about it. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Pic. Lamps lit by members of the Gayatri Parivar, chanting the Gayatri Mantra. - SS)