Monday, June 28, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - II - 37

The source of all wealth

Asteya Pratishtayam Sarva Rathnopasthanam|

For the one who practices non-stealing of what does not belong to one - all the jewels and riches of the world will come a seeking. The logic is simple. Wealth and riches are Maya Shakti. The more you chase her, the more she slips out of hand. But for the one who cares not about riches and wealth, it comes seeking them. The answer is in simply being with one's own self. Everything one needs to live in the world comes and falls in place. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - II: 36

When they say it should rain, it rains!

Satya Pratishtayam Kriyaphala Aashrayathwam|

Speaking the truth means, the speech happens with integrity of body, mind, intellect, words and being totally in the present moment. When one practices speaking with such integrity, then the person gets deeply rooted in Satya or consciousness, the essence of being. Whatever that person says will happen. The results of actions are in accordance with the will of such people who are rooted in the truth of being.
This is a Siddhi or an accomplishment of practising the Yama of Satya or integrity of communication. Sri Rama was a Satya Vakya or one who always spoke the truth. It is for this reason that all the kings of the Raghuvamsha never spoke much, because they practised this vrata or austerity of speaking only the truth. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 35

Where tigers and deer play together

Ahimsa Pratishthyavam Tatsannidhau Vairathyagaha|

In the presence of one firmly rooted in the quality of Ahimsa, all enemities cease. You might have heard stories of how animals with naturally inimical qualities like a tiger and deer, peacock and snake sport and co-exist harmoniously in the ashram of a rishi. In a being where Ahimsa is expressed, the vibrations of the Anahata Chakra or the heart centre is very subtle and it enters and influences the hearts of all around. All enmity and anger is dissolved in the presence of such a person. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Caption: Words of The Buddha inscribed on a plaque at Sarnath where he gave his first sermon after enlightenment. Pic. by Swahilya Shambhavi.)

Monday, June 07, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - II: 34

Beware of the consequences!

Vitarka Himsadayah Kritakritanumodita Lobha Krodha Moha murvaka Mridumadhyadhimatra duhkhagnanantaphala iti pratipaksha bhavanam||

At times thoughts like, "I hate that person and I wish he were....," etc or other thoughts such as speaking untruth, stealing, not seeing the divine in all, a desire to possess undue material wealth, uncleanliness, discontentment, laziness to know the true self and god can occur. These thoughts may be preceded by greed, anger and delusion. One might even mildly, moderately or very intensely think about acting on those thoughts, instigate others to act or silently support others in such actions.
Here the whistle-blower Patanjali Mharishi warns us. Even if slightly, moderately or intensely, such thoughts happen in the mind, think deeply for a moment that the result of such thoughts are endless sorrow and ignorance. When one is aware of this, then they automatically refrain from thinking such thoughts. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - II : 33

Try doing the opposite thing

Vitarka Badhane Pratipaksha Bhavanam

When you are facing trouble in the path of practising the 10 yamas and niyamas, due to the strength of latent tendencies, try taking the opposite stance. When confronted by the thought of hurting - himsa, wilfully practise non-hurting - Ahimsa. When you catch yourself in unclean surroundings at home, city or country - ashaucha, instead of complaining about the state of affairs and energising the situation consciously, take the opposite stand and focus on how the place would be if it were clean and beautiful. Do your bit to make that vision happen.
There is a Hawaaiin meditation technique called Hooponoopono. It says that all the disharmony you see is actually within you. Hence to fix any problem, the technique says, keep your hands in front of your heart, open in blessing posture and visualise the person or situation where there is disharmony and repeat - "Im sorry, I love you, I thank you." This is a magic healing method especially for getting free of bad relationships. - Swahilya Shambhavi