When they say it should rain, it rains!
Satya Pratishtayam Kriyaphala Aashrayathwam|
Speaking the truth means, the speech happens with integrity of body, mind, intellect, words and being totally in the present moment. When one practices speaking with such integrity, then the person gets deeply rooted in Satya or consciousness, the essence of being. Whatever that person says will happen. The results of actions are in accordance with the will of such people who are rooted in the truth of being.
This is a Siddhi or an accomplishment of practising the Yama of Satya or integrity of communication. Sri Rama was a Satya Vakya or one who always spoke the truth. It is for this reason that all the kings of the Raghuvamsha never spoke much, because they practised this vrata or austerity of speaking only the truth. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
Welcome Rakesh...."....peyyenap peyyum mazhai!"
This one's a grave requirements for politicians LOL :D
hello swahilya,
I like this blog very much. i also read your articles in the Indian Express. This post is very nice in particular. I'm also a seeker of the truth - a poor student with so many questions only teachers can and would care to answer.
I'm a music lover. Music gives me bliss I can never explain.I'm also someone who is very concerned about the way we torture nature.
Please keep writing. Hopefully, we can also have discussions.
@Rizal - True. @ Sreekesh: Welcome.
Interesting and beautiful write up.
Say what you think, Do what you say!
But what do you feel about the practical hurdles of this hmmmm shall i call it "ideology"
Practical hurdles are there. Whenever we face such an obstacle, it is important to bring our awareness fully there. It means, if you are speaking something that you really don't believe in, it is very important to be fully aware that you are doing it. The awareness has the potential to change such situations!
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