...and the dancer
He is the Lord of Space
Seated in the realms of Silence
He is my guardian deity
Shiva he is called by many
But all names and forms
Belong just to him
The formless too is he
When he sits
He is a picture of bliss
But when he lets go
Even of his sitting
And begins to dance
The dance of ecstasy
Beating at his little damaru
It is the dance of liberation
It is the dance of the Universe
When Destruction, Creation and Preservation
Follow one after another
Ever changing, ever blissful.
He is the form of the formless
He is the everything
Born out of nothing.
He is Space.
He is Silence.
He is the Dancer
and the Dancing
And the Dance
He is Nataraja
He is Shambho
He is Mahadeva
He is Shiva.
And his abode
Is in a tiny cave
Within my heart.
- Swahilya.
I needeed to read this tonight. Thank you...
Lovely poem!
Thanx for calling up! Am waiting for 26th to meet you.Hope you can make it.
BTW what does Swahilya mean? Lovely name though!
Thank you Poet Guy.
@Rashmi: Swahilya is from Swaha, the feminine energy of Agni - God of Fire. She is invoked during Ashwamedha Yagnyas and her nature is to absorb negativities and purify. I have spoken about this name in two posts, Om Agni Swaha and a very early one in April or May, 'My Name is Swahilya.' Waiting to meet you too. I'm on night duty, so will be available daytime to come over for the programme.
Thank you, Swahilya. How beautiful! How real!
Hi Swahilya,
that was amazing. You seem to be living in a totally different world, would I be right to say, in a trance.
Hi Swahilya,
Any special programme on 26th. I may be interested.
Dear George, You're most welcome.
*Hari: Feb. 26 is Maha Shivaratri. We may be having some programme at the Centre, I'll let you know. You may mail me at swahilya@gmail.com. I'll give you my new mobile no.
Simply beautiful ! As always....
Thank you for the three beautiful poems.
Thank you Ramya.
Be Now: You're most welcome.
OM Namah Shivaya
@Ganesh: Shivaya Namah Om.
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