The Tough Get Going
Why inequity? On this question, I have often pondered. But I must admit, the intensity of contemplation was heightened when I believed at times that I have been wronged or what was due was denied to me.
These are some of those times when I am literally holding on to the feet of all the Adwaita or Oneness that I have learnt from the Vedanta and Upanishads. But now I realise after much thought, when unpleasant situations crowd around you with intense velocity - just take the time to stop and watch, watch through the developments and there comes the answer.
When I have chosen self-realisation as my destiny in life, I have to remember that the whole Universe will conspire to see that I realise it. And part of this conspiracy to fulfill my own wish comes to me in many forms and through every type of person. When I have great heights to scale, can I afford to wallow with little trifles near the foothills? And so nature knows much better than my little intellect demands.
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So, what was the lesson I learnt about inequities. The sportspersons stand on the same line at the starting point. They are all apparently equal. But a blow of the whistle shows that some reach first, some second and another third. Some trip and fall. Another sprains a muscle or yet another simply dropout or get disqualified. For each one that reaches the victory stand, there are many that tried but failed. The physicals frames are the same to the eye. But each contains a subtle baggage from the past. For some the balance is on the credit side and for others it is a deficit show.
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The Universe is the greatest University that has taught me the lessons of life. And when I thought I got the best, those were the times of complacence. But moments when I felt I got the worst of it all, God, could there have been a better way to remove all the excess baggage of Karma that hold me to the Earth with its gravitational pull, not letting me soar higher and higher into the realms of the Unknown Eternity?
Thank You Dear Universe for Your Lessons of Love Through Hatred and Inequities.
nice, cozy place you got here :)..
Thank you Guile. Do drop in home when you feel like it. Aham in Sanskrit also means Home, besides 'I'.
The phrase “When going gets tough, the tough gets going” is indeed motivating and I too preach it to myself often. But then in most times the situation and state of mind goes in the opposite direction. In fact, sometimes it is the very weakness of mind that makes situation tough. You may find the same situation on a more optimistic state of mind looking very easy to deal.
Very True Hari.
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