...to my Guru Swami Akshara
It is half an hour more for June 12, celebrated by devotees as the birthday of my Guru Swami Akshara. I stand here with nothing to offer, but just myself.
Words fail me, as I sit here to type, thinking I could offer words as my birthday gift through this blog. But they come not out, stopping within the cave of my head offering themselves in celebration at the source, to the birth of Silence.
How will words come to wish someone who has neither birth nor death, "Many, Many Happy Returns of The Day." Foolish as it may sound, I still can't hold back that childish urge to celebrate as everybody does, locking the timeless eternity in a tiny vial so that I may experience with my senses five.
Strange scene this. A writer who cannot write! I drop all this writing business and fall at Your Feet In Total Surrender. When I think of flowers to offer, they vanish into nowhere. When I think of sweets, they are no match to the sweetest nectar of divinity that is your very being, when I think of clothes, I know no textile that can cover the effulgent brilliance that You are. So I drop all the gifts and drop myself too. Can a wave ever wish the Ocean a very happy birthday?
Hello Swahilya,
The phrase "Timeless eternity locked in a tiny vial" was really thought provoking - very well described..
I don't know about Swami Akshara -
but agree that we appear helpless, unable to express our deepest joy to the reverred masters, eternal gurus. I recently read about books on Sri Ramana and many things (from those books) crossed my mind when I read this blog..
Hi Swahilya,
Your silence and total surrender at the feet of your Guru is the greatest gift any disciple can ever give to his guru. Because it is only before the radiance of the God himself that we go speechless, dumbfounded totally away from this materialistic world. Whenever I visit Tirupathi, I have a hundred boons to ask from the God and rehearse it a hundred times before entering the temple premises, but the moment I get a glimpse of the God, I forget all the boons that was in my mind and become just paralysed overwhelmed by his grace. And this happens only when you have the real vision of God, which is what you have experienced with your Guru. So what better gift can a Guru ask from his disciple than total devotion whereby he becomes the God incarnate to the disciple.
People who decorate the Guru with material wealth and match it with their devotion, do not see the Guru as a God or as one who has renounced everything in which case the devotion is absent. Decorating the Guru with material wealth is in fact an insult to his spiritual enlightenment.
Sound expresses. But Silence is the basis for the expression.
That only is.
Hi Hari,
We are watching this blog at the same time. When I opened the site, there was only comment. When I posted mine, yours has come.
About gifts, I should say there is nothing good or bad, demeaning or uplifting. Each gives what they can. Whether matter or spirit, it is the heart that counts.
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