When Dharma Declines I Come
When thoughts about recent happenings crowded my mind, I was chasing this or that thought for sometime and got nowhere. Dropping it all, I just sat down, for I learnt that solutions spring from a quiet mind.
"Sarvadharman Parithyajya Mamekam Sharanam Vraja
Aham Thwa Sarvapapebhyaha Moksha Ishyami Ma Shuchaha."
The words of Krishna to Arjuna at the end of the Gitopadesham sounded loud and clear. Surrender is the way, says Krishna. The Upadesham was happening - leave aside all the thoughts and surrender to the silent presence within. That will liberate you from all the sins - thoughts that pull you here and there, tearing you asunder and not letting you to get focussed on your goal - and grant you Moksha - liberate you from the trappings of thoughts and ideas that pull you down.
After a while, the most popular verses of the Gita came to my mind.
"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharatha
Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadathmanam Srijamyaham.
Parithranaya Sadhunam Vinashayacha Dushkritham
Dharma Samsthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge."
I nearly found myself an Arjuna, confounded in the battle field - throwing himself at the feet of Sri Krishna. Chanting these verses over and over again, I got the essence of it later in the day.
"Whenever there is a fall in Dharma and a rise in Adharma, I come." It is all in the mind. When there is a dance of destruction and the principles of sustenance become weak in me, I who am always present and watching will take charge and set things in balance for you.
"To protect the good and to destroy evil and establish Dharma, I manifest." - When my little mind for long was thinking that the good is somebody and the bad is somebody else and the manifestation happens to destroy the evil-doers, the message was loud and clear. It is to resurruct the qualities of goodness within me that have taken a backseat, shuddering with fear of what has happened and to vanquish my thoughts that cause me to forget my goal, I come.
I realised today: The Krishna is Me. The Arjuna is Me. The Good is Me. The Bad is Me. It is I that Acts through everything and everybody to raise myself Higher and Higher. Uddharedathmanathmanam - I raise Myself by Myself.
Thank You Reflex
Its really great for u to explain this meaning ,and i feel every Hindu as to read Gita and learn how to leave as human being , so i also request people to read swami Vivekananda philosophy so that they can understand Hindu philosophy very easily .........
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