Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Writer's Block

It is a hot summer day and when I want to write, I experience the block in flow of thoughts, the block in flow of ideas. This is what it seems is called writer's block. Vighna Krith Vighna Nashanaha - One of the names of Vishnu and even Ganesha is - the one who creates the obstacle and the one who removes it.
So an obstacle for a writer is a writer's block. Now I focus my mind on this block, see through it, as if I am seeing through a mountain and I find that the block is not there.
The same with any problem. The problem has to surface. I have to focus and look through it. Lo and behold, there is no problem, just the divine in the form of that block, waiting for me to pay attention and be aware - to just experience.



Anonymous said...

Any take on 'Art of Living'?

hari said...

Hi Swahilya,

that was fantastic. That the truly the art of divine and healthy living. I would definitely takes some notes from this.

By the way, when is Swami Akshara coming out here.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Namaste Satish: Though I have read much of Sri Sri Ravishankar and heart his talks many times and even covered a programme on Music and Spirituality for The Hindu, Art of Living has been one programme that has been elusive. But I did a similar programme of Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev called Sahaja Sthithi Yoga, now Isha Yoga up to the Bhava Spandana, Samyama, Hatha Yoga and Guru Pooja. Sudarshan Kriya is the only addition in Art of Living that is not present in Isha Yoga. I have completely gone through Isha Yoga programmes and visited many Gurus and spiritual organisations for nearly three years, participating in any programme they had to offer. I didn't actually go in search of them, but participated whenever it came my way.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Namaste Hari,
Swami Akshara will be in Chennai in another two days' time and probably stay on till mid June.

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