Sathguru Jaggi Vasudev
Parithranaya Sadhunam Vinashayacha Dushkritam
Dharma Samsthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge
The Yuga has come - when the strong wields power over the meek
When the rich think they just need to buy up the poor
When mighty armies think they can conquer and rule the small nations
When mean forces play havoc in the minds of world leaders
Swaying innocent folks, driving them from pillar to post
In search of a peace that they have, but don't
In this Kali Yuga, when violence mars
when people fight each other body and mind
When untruth is rampant in its deadly dance
When hopes of the poor and the needy lie crumbled down
When heads are laid down in despair
When prayer is the last resort the good have been pushed to
Manifests our Sathguru Jaggi Vasudev
Like a whirlwind he acts
Though his eyes are like the calm after a storm
He neither stirs nor moves
But in his self he has the power
To tap the energy pent in the worlds young bodies
He has come to teach us
What we did not know of our mind
He has come to stir our collective consciousness
With his giant ladle called Sahaja Sthithi Yoga
He just tells you, "Don't do anything - sit in emptiness."
There is a massive energy at work around you
Allow it to work and you are the strongest.
He has come to tell the men
Don't worry, let's make it happen.
He has come to tell the women
Fear not, for you have it in you.
He has come to tell the youth
In you lies the world's wellbeing.
He has come to tell the children,
Dearest, you are born to be happy.
To the evolved, his presence means
To get immersed in an ocean of silence
He just says, bend a little
Stretch a little, speak a little,
Think not at all, but feel for all.
Be like the diamond,
Strong yet shining smooth.
When we thought of you and me,
That and this, she and he,
He showed us how there is
No two but just one.
Sarvam Brahmamayam.
So why fight, why lie, why hoard?
His time has come and in lakhs they follow his footsteps.
The lakhs will bring lakhs
And the lakhs their crores.
Till the world is changed
With positive energy
To drive out the evil
And usher in the good,
To push out untruth and
Set up the reign of truth,
To wipe out penury and
Bring in prosperity
To erase worries and
Show hope the way,
To unsettle agitation
And bring in calmness.
Very simple is his mantra:
We will all get together,
Eat together, work together,
And enjoy together.
For entities with bodies,
To take them from untruth
Into the heaven of truth,
From the caves of darkness
Into the splendour of light
And from the fear of death
To the full void of immortality.
Our Sathguru has come
To dispel darkness and her accomplices
and make all chant in unison
Om Shanti - Om Shanti - Om Shanti.
- Akhilananda Bharati. (my former name.)
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