Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - II : 33

Try doing the opposite thing

Vitarka Badhane Pratipaksha Bhavanam

When you are facing trouble in the path of practising the 10 yamas and niyamas, due to the strength of latent tendencies, try taking the opposite stance. When confronted by the thought of hurting - himsa, wilfully practise non-hurting - Ahimsa. When you catch yourself in unclean surroundings at home, city or country - ashaucha, instead of complaining about the state of affairs and energising the situation consciously, take the opposite stand and focus on how the place would be if it were clean and beautiful. Do your bit to make that vision happen.
There is a Hawaaiin meditation technique called Hooponoopono. It says that all the disharmony you see is actually within you. Hence to fix any problem, the technique says, keep your hands in front of your heart, open in blessing posture and visualise the person or situation where there is disharmony and repeat - "Im sorry, I love you, I thank you." This is a magic healing method especially for getting free of bad relationships. - Swahilya Shambhavi


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Good thought here! Very comforting and highly doable!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes highly doable, but only when we set out to do it we can see how the ego confronts us with resistance!