Friday, September 23, 2005

I am

...the same

Some years ago,
They said I was born
The saying, began then
They said I was dark and thin
Some said I was cute
Some said I had eyes like a cow.

At school, they said I was in kindergarden
Then they said I was promoted
From Class to Class.

By then I began to say
I am studying in school
I am studying in college
I am working at office
I have a family and friends
I have ideas and emotions
I have pain
I feel

Since then I wished to get at
something or the other
Reach for some goal or the other
When I reached them
It did not make a difference

Now my latest desire
Is for liberation, enlightenment, moksha
To be one with God and become It
I have a feeling that even when I get that
There will be no difference.

Others will call it Enlightenment
But I know, it is all the same.



Anonymous said...

From Womb to Tomb...familiar story indeed. Most things in between this period is done mainly because to somewhere fit into the philosophical scheme of a society.
Chasing enlightenment in life eventually can leave one in kind of a anti climax even if the enlightenment has to happen.

The enlightenment which happened to people who never expected it or planned for it are the most beautiful ones. When planned and
pursued and achieved, perhaps the enlightenment has already lost its charm. Just one more thing desrired and attained.....

One should get into spirituality
leading to enlightenment without knowing whats in store ahead or at the end. Just like the baby going to the kindergarten(not garden)
not sure of whats gonna happen.

If incase one is toomuch conscious
and well informed then what is to be done? The best and simply way is to totally drop the idea of enlightenment. Even the pursuit of it should be ignored.

Infact enlightenement can happen only to the unexpected seeker in the most unexpected manner.
A well calculated and planned sadhana will never get anyone to the peak of spirutual being.

When the enlightenement is dropped
from the mind and applied on the
present trivial happenings of life
then theres no question of findind life in doldrums. Every passing moment is miraculous. Then who even cares about being bound or

Ganesh said...

@solomon grundy- the name you have chosen here itself is interesting pertaning to topic that is being discussed here.

Swahilya -honestly I have stopped qualifying God/Godess anymore.
To me it is 'that', thats all.
No more advaita,dvaita or vashiadvaita. I only prefer to be in silence thats all.
This is my personal take. Mere intellectual exercising doesn't excite me anymore.

Romba 'Nasthiyana' stage !!

Bottomline I agree with you :)

Anonymous said...

Swahilya Ji,

Heartiest and humble obeisances to the Guru who has lead you thus far..I am fortunate to note the experiences of such a candid spirtual speeker in this phenomenal world.

I can correlate your experiences from this blog and the earlier ones with the pearls from Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings like "Silence is your real nature", "True moksha is liberation from the mind..".

"Others will call it Enlightenment
But I know, it is all the same."
..The samadhi that the Sage of Arunachala (and yes all the sages too)
talk about.

@solomon grundy - nice to know your messages too..but is it not the case that a Seeker can only instrument the mind unless the quest starts formally (with motive, desire in the sense of not being selfish but selfless - I am at a loss to describe further here) and becomes intense after practice. That is we can only start with what we have mind and slowly unmind the individual that is mindful.

@Ganesh -
HH Sri Baghavan says that everyone that has seen the Truth at different stages of the Spirutual progress and not to be juxtaposed and analyzed. He says Dvaita, Advaita are there to probe to initiate and probe the seeker. One of His classic replies to a long time seeker that I like is that "Japa Tapa and revelation of God are like vehicles in a journey, and ultimately the individual begins to travel the journey Within.."

- Varadha

Mysorean said...


I read this post twice to myself. And once aloud.

You have got me down to earth with this post.

I guess there are more takeaways from this and i will let them sink in as I read it over and over agan.

Venky Krishnamoorthy said...

have you thought about collecting these and publishing as a book. i am sincere.

Kasthuri said...

From change to changeless...shows the ernest inward journey. I kinda think enlightment strikes suddenly as solmon comments and there should be a change involved, but only to be everlasting. But if it is everlasting, its no more a change. Limits of logic isn't it ?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@solomon grundy: The name and what you say rings a familiar bell to me. Yes you are right. Who cares?

@Ganesh: Mounam Sat.

@Varadhaji: Gurosthu Mounam Vyakhyanam Sishyasthu Chinna Samshaya: - When the Guru speaks through Silence, the Disciples doubts are cleared.

@Adi: Sure one or more poems may come from you!

@Venky: If the divine wills, it may happen.

@Kasthuri: As much logical as a collection of points, the directions of which are infinite, make a straight line which is finite! So I just give up everything.

Mysorean said...

Just came back in here to learn from the discussions that follow such profound posts.

And true to my expectations, Solomon, Kasthuri and you have added a different dimension to this.


Anonymous said...

lightening the mind and body, allowing the soul to radiate its light rather enlightening the whole Self is the process called meditation. living in meditation is termed enlightenement. simply being in tune with the Divine from moment to moment. just focussing with the present moment automatically takes one to the next. so why bother about the next when i have this moment right HERE and NOW.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@moment by moment: Your message came right at the moment when I needed it most. Thank you so much.

SongOfSoul said...

"I have a feeling that even when I get that There will be no difference."
These words just stuck me like lightening. Amazingly beautiful. Conveys essence of everything.

with best wishes

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