Tuesday, September 20, 2005


...and permanence

If there is something that is permanent in this existence of names and forms, that is change. Moment to moment, this change happens. Cells are born, cells die, humans are born and are dead, the sky changes colours, the leaves spring and drop from trees, flowers bloom and wither, thoughts come and go, rivers flow...
There is no moment of stillness in the Universe, yet they are active in a vast screen of stillness like moving images on a white screen in a motion picture. And so you must have seen the change in the name of the blog too - from Aham to Aksharoham.
A day full of contemplation on the unity of the I that is Aham with the Indestructible and formless Guru within has brought about this symbolic change in the name. There is still a long way to go when the name and form disappears. Then there will be nothing to blog about! So, till then I'm happy blogging as Aksharoham.


Anonymous said...
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Kasthuri said...

Nice...I always wondered about change being permanent. But, why can't names and forms be permanent if they can give us permenent happiness ?

Ganesh said...


kasthuri "But, why can't names and forms be permanent if they can give us permenent happiness ?"
seriyana kelvi ?!!

krishna said...

hello folks,

There have been quite a few names and forms that have been giving the permanent bliss for ages .. krishna and rama are my favorites..of course not everyone can experience it.. just like not every can enjoy the name and the form of their parents..only those develop that selfless love for the subjects mentioned above can get to experiece that madhuram..may be this is quite analogous to people like swahilyaji that enjoy silence ..coz they have let their minds acknowledge the greatness of the subject.

In any case, it is quite clear that it both the greatness of the subject and the perspective of the viewer of the subject that dramtically affects the extent to which that blissful feeling can be felt..

Jai sri krishna
jai sri rama

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Kasthuri: The permanence of names and forms is not in our hands. We are only at the receiving end. Hence, it is wisdom to catch hold of the eternal essence within names and forms. But that begins with the name and form for most of us. Just as the child begins with looking at the parents and then moves on to the other people and only then realises the vast Universe.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Ganesh: Sariyana Badil thane?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Right Krishna.

Agnibarathi said...

There is still a long way to go when the name and form disappears. Then there will be nothing to blog about!Reminds me of these lines of poetry (which apeear in a totally differnt context in the movie) na din hota hain ab na raat hoti hain. sabhi kuch ruk gaya hain. This might be an intersting related post...http://soundaryam.blogspot.com/2005/07/raman-kathai-kelungal.html

hari said...


Change is the only permanant factor. Well said. And am sure it is welcome change too.

Regarding Kasthuri's query, I am sure there is nothing called permanant happiness. What we are happy and contended with today, will not provide us with the same satisfaction tomorrow. So in way change is the source of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Life can get boring. anything constant is a stagnation. everything must change. but at the same time too many changes also can be tiresome and then one wants stability. Perhaps the right way is be TO BE STABLE AMIDST ALL THE CHANGES....aint it ?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes and round and round: Just like one can't be sitting on a giant wheel always, but have to step out of it!
whoami: Everything impermanent exists in permanence.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

whoami?: Actually speaking, there is no inside, there is no outside. There is no sound, there is no silence. There is no temporary, there is no permanent. There is no God. There are no words. They all exist in words, names and forms alone.