Sunday, April 10, 2005

On Meditation

By Swahilya
It is the desire of all of us that we have to be happy, healthy, prosperous,wealthy, successful in all that we do and be recognised wherever we go. If there is one key to open all these doors - it is Meditation.
Is meditation sitting in one corner with eyes closed, fingers twisted in some manner and legs locked together? No. Meditation is the easiest activity one can do. A meditative person does not meditate, but lives in meditation. Right from the moment when one gets up from the bed, through each activity of the day till the time to rest has come at night, every activity is done in meditation.
Meditation is a process of keeping oneself in the best state of mind when thebody is at work. Meditation happens when one sees the clouds gently sails through the blue sky, feels the fragrance of the dewy morning rose as it blooms, hears the song of the cuckoo break out of the still silence and fall back into it or seeing the stars twinkle on a purple black sky. Living in tune with your environment is meditation. Being in love with the Universe is meditation. For a person living in such a state of mind, life on earth which is usually fraught with problems, virtually becomes a heaven of bliss, harmony and happiness.
"So what if I meditate?" you may ask. A meditative person finds him orherself in the best of circumstances. Everything that seems to be a stumbling block for the ordinary individual becomes a stepping stone for the one in meditation. In his world there is no conflict, only harmony, there is no hatred, only love, no competition, only progress. In daily terms, all kitchen utensils will lend their hand to help the meditative housewife in getting a delicious meal ready. A meditative boss at the office will find his subordinates listening to each word of his and executing his directions without a single word of protest.
Living in meditation means there are no more tough examinations for the student, no argumentative children for the mother, no problem like tangled noodles to face at office. Just as a student who is strong in the foundations of mathematics will find examinations an interesting challenge, armed with the weapon of meditation, one can look forward to each day with great self-confidence and cheerful energy.
So, meditation is really very easy and it is well within your reach too. SwamiAkshara , my Guru who gave me this name - Swahilya, has just now returned from a tour of the east, with his programmes galore on Meditation. Through his talks and more through his oceanic silence and compassion, Swamiji teaches us to see the bliss of the nature around us.Through his simple meditative exercises, he teaches you the art of dissolving into the inner silence where problems disappear like sugar in milk. Living then brings hope, joy and bliss.
Swami Akshara belongs to the regions of the unbounded self and cannot be defined or confined to limited ideas or beliefs. He transcends region, language, religion and country. Think global, act local is Swamiji's maxim. He is like the boundless sun of knowledge that sheds light and dispels the darkness ofignorance where ever he goes. He is the sculptor who knows the parts to be chiselled out and present before the world a masterpiece of art.
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sundarms74 said...

Madam, i read a few articles of you in only i visited your blogspot.i am an amatuer in seeking truth and ur blogs show many paths.i will walk through them and whenever i feel darkness,show some more light,thanking you.