Thursday, April 21, 2005


This posting is the wish of my Guru Swami Akshara. When I was speaking to him over phone today, I told him that I was able to feel his presence. His reply was, "Grace is not great. But one who is able to receive it is." Receiving grace is so important, he continued. If everybody was able to receive grace, there was no need for so many Gurus, so many masters to land on earth....Rama, Krishna, Christ... But problem has always remained with receiving.
I wish to share with you my experience with Grace. Grace, I discovered is present every where. But the human mind has to be reminded often of its presence. The reminder comes in the form of religious symbols, the forms of Gods and Gurus, concepts and ideas, nearly everything, not nearly...just everything. It is there inside me. It is there outside me. For grace, there is no inside or outside. It is. And even when I say, receiving grace, it is only reminding myself that it is there and I know I am filled with it.
And being in grace, everything happens, so beautifully, whether it is cleaning up my home, getting some good dinner ready, managing children, typing a news story, getting to my quitest self and writing a poem from there, collecting myself in silence and going forth on stage with a talk, consoling someone in pain or grief...I can list what all Grace can do, but I can say what it cannot do - that is There is Nothing That is Not Possible By Grace.

Gracefully Yours


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