Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Patanjali Yoga Sutra – IV – 3

Removing blocks

निमित्तमप्रयोजकं प्रकृतीनां वरणभेदस्तु ततः क्षेत्रिकवत्||
Nimitthamaprayojakam Prakriteenaam Varana Bhedastu Tatah Kshethrikavath||

All  Yogic Sadhana  that is aimed towards transformation and self-realisation do not reveal the truth directly. They are an instrument that is indirectly helpful in removing the obstacles and blocks that seem to hide reality. Just as a farmer prepares the soil, removes weeds and other obstacles that obstruct growth and lovingly nurtures the crop with water and fertilizers, the different yoga sadhanas help to purify the mind of its gross obstacles, is restlessness and the subtle veil that hides the truth.

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