Transcending the primordial disease
Tato Dwandwa Anabhigataha|
Perfection and practice of Asana turns the mind inward to the presence of one truth. When the mind is turned outward, there is duality or dwandwa - day-night, heat-cold, high-low, rich-poor, happy and sad. But when the mind is turned inward - there is only the seer of every action, word and thought. This seer is the same in everyone. Practice of a steady and comfortable posture helps you to transcend duality. Duality is the Adi Vyadhi or the primordial disease of the sense of separatedness from the rest of the Universe. - Swahilya Shambhavi (Pic. Teachers at Vasantham Home for Special Children doing the Surya Namaskar.)
This is such a wonderful message! Thanks for sharing!
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