Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra: II: 44

Study your self


By Swadhyaya - contemplating on the essence of your being, you achieve union with the deity you worship. Swadhyaya means many things, but everything leads to the same essence. It means study of the self. The Upanishads are books that speak of the self. Studying the Upanishads is Swadhyaya. Meditation in silence is also Swadhyaya as in meditation you get to know who you are. Studying your thoughts, your emotions, your physical body and all its components - so deeply that from whichever way you go, you arrive at yourself, which is the self in all. You come to that space in you where you, me and it vanishes. - Swahilya Shambhavi
(Pic: Swahilya Shambhavi - Gangaji at Rudraprayag.)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful message here, as always! Helpful for much needed reflection!

Your articles in the past weekend in the newspaper were very informative too!

Merging Point said...

wonderful picture Swaha! simply sitting and watching Gangaji can unfold the layers and let the self shine...

AVC said...

In this silence, everything vanishes including time.
But then something seems to rise within, an oncoming rush so strong that it completely overwhelms you, an insight (in want for a better word) so wonderful that everything else seems unimportant, and this experience very easily breaks the concentration (or forgotten concentration) I find, and you're thrown back into the world of matter...

Oh well, back at it again!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@V. Rakesh - Welcome! @ Merging Point - True indeed. @ AVC - True. Something that seems to rise within is actually our realisation of what is already present within. The Sensation of the Real Is! - Real-is-ation!