Monday, May 03, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 32

Universal Vows

Jati Desha Kala Samaya Anavacchinna Saarva Bhauma Mahavratam||
The five Yamas of Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigrahaha - enumerated in the earlier Sutra is a universal penance. It is non-negotiable and has to be followed without any compromise whatsoever, irrespective of the community, country, period, circumstance and situation we find ourselves in. How do these affect the Yamas? Well, if you are born into or are living with a family of hunters, then practice of non-injury becomes difficult. Yet, that is not an excuse.
If the whole society refuses to speak the truth, there is no excuse for the yogi who must practice Satya. If everyone is stealing audios and video CDs, then that does not exonerate the yogi from doing it.
These practices are difficult and are hence called Mahavratam or a great austerity. This is the beginning step of Yoga and these practices purify the mind. At any point of spiritual growth, there is no excuse from swerving from the Yamas.
It is a common happening in society to see someone rise to fame as a master in spirituality, wielding tremendous power in the minds of people. But, however high up on the pedestal they may be, one small action of theirs, walking away from the path of the Yamas is enough to send them hurtling down to the abyss of ignominy and ill repute. - Swahilya Shambhavi


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant! Very relevant and apt, particularly in today's world!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Rakesh!

Subhash said...

1. Very nicely put, Swahilya. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have been studying both Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras for many years. In BG also, the theme of 'yamas' and 'niyamas' appears repeatedly in different forms. I like the way you explain the concept of 'saarva bhauma' with simple examples.
In an effort to build more awareness about the yoga sutras, I have developed a website devoted to the subject – In this blog we record the summary of our bi-weekly discussions of the study group. In addition, I have compiled the translation of each sutra by 7 different authors. I have also recorded (audio) each sutra in Sanskrit. If you happen to visit the site, I would truly appreciate receiving your feedback.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank you Subhash. will do sometime soon.