Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 2-26

The light is you

Vivekakhyatihi Aviplava Hanopayaha|

The means of removing that Avidya or attachments to the people, things and happenings in life that are transient and come and go - is by identifying oneself with the ever- present awareness that helps you to discriminate between what is temporary and what is permanent. Awareness is like a floodlight on a football field. The light illuminates the field. Players come. Some win, some lose,some retire hurt, some abuse, audience cheer or swear. The light does not take part in all this. It just throws itself on what's happening. When the match is over, the ground becomes empty again and the light continues to reveal the empty ground. Similarly our awareness is theinner light that helps us to be aware of what we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and think during our waking hours, watch our dreams during the dream state and realise the next morning that we slept well in the deep sleep state. Identifying always with this awareness is the only way to come out of the ignorance of clinging on to the transcient things and fretting or getting excited about it. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Pic. Lamps lit by members of the Gayatri Parivar, chanting the Gayatri Mantra. - SS)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

I admire the manner in which you presently such complexity - in an absolutely simple manner for folks such as me to easily understand!

It is a sheer pleasure to read your posts, of wisdom, relevance and bliss - in the progress, as I see it!

fruitu said...

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya !!!!

wittysaint said...

concise explanation. thought provoking. at the same time do you think it is possible to reach such a state of awareness in the present which is utterly chaotic?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Rakesh, Fruitu and Wittysaint. I welcome all readers to my web magazine Simply Spiritual - http://www.simplyspiritual.org

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Swahilya! Happy New Year, dear friend. :D It has been too long.

Looove your spiritual e-magazine and bookmarked it. :D

Awareness: the factor that keeps one from having negative emotions rule. What a great post! With it, one can step back and become the observer and then move on with out tangling one's emotions. :D Am going to work on my A Factor beginning today.

Beautiful post and photo!!!

We're having an easy winter; only six inches of snow on the ground. What freedom to explore.:D

Have a great day!

Hugs, JJ

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome JJ! Thank you.

S ADIGA said...

Hai, i read your writings which appears in sunday express, it gives a feeling as if I am touring. great & simple writing.
Srinivasa Adiga

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Srinivasa Adiga!

Anitha said...

Beautiful observation and conclusion about inner light of truth. I admire your writing.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Anitha!

sudha said...

Mundaka Upanishad in blog form :). well, our Acharyas were & are so magnanimous, they dont mind the spread of their insights into the mystery 'Who am I?'in any form.
I feel you are a true messenger of these great works. I'm impressed &inspired at your versatility. Your small column with stories of ur sojourns is also fun at the same time keeps one thinking .
We wait for sunday express and in the midst of awful articles on warped ideas and 'sense'less pictures meant to increase readership, your writings are like gems in muck.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Sudha.