Monday, August 24, 2009

Patanjali Yoga Sutra: 2 - 21

Matter only for spirit

Tadartha Eva Drishyasyatma
The prakriti or nature exists only for the sake of this purusha or consciousness. Consciousness is the only essence that pervades everything. This is still silent, colourless, odourless and the witness for all that happens. From this substance called consciousness emerges dynamic movement, light and sound called energy. Energy in turn manifests as matter and the five elements. All the five elements are enlivened by consciousness. Consciousness is the basis for their existence. They exist only for the sake of this Purusha and for nothing and nobody else.
- Swahilya Shambhavi.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Very informative, simple to understand and direct...... and concise!

Awesome information!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Rakesh!

Anonymous said...

I follow your articles in the sunday express. i really like them and ponder over your wise thoughts.

sribuddha said...

It is refreshing to find such an ardent seeker of truth in Kali......... I have become your devotee after reading your himalayan sojourns appearing in the New Indian express supplement........kindly continue your sacred work on propagation of the art of living through these columns. It will be a great pleasure if you can send emails of your blogs through some feeder link.
V Ramachandran

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Anonymous.
Namaste Sribuddha. I will work on the feeder links sometime. Thank you for visiting.

UmaS said...

I am amazed at what all you are writing...totally spellbound.

A few years back, I had been following the explanations of Tirumandiram in some magazine and was totally engrossed in it. Thanks for invoking those moments in me and now, I can continue to read it all here.

Patanjali, Bhagavat Gita, Tirumandiram - I am so impressed with you !!! Keep up the gud work !

latha vidyaranya said...

"aham" when restricted to the body-mind complex is dirt small compared to the huge universe. but the possibility of our expanding this aham into that all pervading "Brahma" is simply awesome! to realize that potential is such a motivating factor in life!

your latest quote in NIE, 6th sep, 09, ".........raaga dwesha vinaa praaptam bhunjyaamyatra shubhaa shubham" was an eye opener! yes, we must accept the events in our life with "prasada bhava"! oh, god, please give me the serenity to accept the things that i can not change and courage to change the things that i can; the wisdom to know the difference!!!

you say you are a home maker. vasudaiva kutumbakam - surely you are keeping us all sane by your wonderful articles in NIE.

you are a seeker. may you soon become the sought! gud luk.

latha vidyaranya said...

swahilya, would you please explain to us the meaning of the word "swahilya"? thanks.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Latha Vidyaranya: I read all your comments. Thanks for that intensity and interest!
I wish to answer your question on Asmita here: Asmita is a klesha, an impurity that disturbs the tranquility of mind. When one keeps insisting on I, Me and Myself - the ego becomes very hard and becomes a block and drowns rather than float, sail or swim comfortably in the waters of life.
If Asmita and the other four kleshas Avidya, Raga, Dwesha and Abhinivesha and the Shat Malas - Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Mada and Matsarya do not cloud our consciousness then we are in tune with the whole.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Swahilya is from Swaha the feminine energy of Agni. She was invoked during the Ashwamedha Yagnyas and her nature is to absorb negativities and purify. It also contains Ahilya who is known for her patience and fortitude.
Shambhavi is the feminine aspect of Shambhu and she is one who makes things happen.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes when Raga pulls us away from the truth, Dwesha keeps us away from it. Both are kleshas or modifications of the mind.

latha vidyaranya said...

thank you, swahilya, for that explanation of the meaning of the word swahilya. i was just wondering why is it always the prerogative of female energy to absorb all negatives?! just becoz somebody has the patience can negatives be heaped upon her? someday, the patience will snap and then they realize, "hell hath no fury like the woman scorned". how much people exploit the earth, dharitrii. she still bears it all with a smile.......

latha vidyaranya said...

swahilya, thanks for all the answers. i understand the shat malaas or vairiis and i know they can be overcome if sincere attempts are made. but what about body pain that one suffers? can any body not get dehaatma budhdhi when they are in any kind of bodily pain? can any body ignore intense body pain thinking that he/she is not the body?!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Latha Vidyaranya (the name translates so beautifully as a creeper in the forest of knowledge!)
Well bodily pain cannot be philosophised and wished away. One cannot easily ignore it when it is there, it draws all our attention to the paining part by its very nature.
There are ways to alleviate pain - doctors, medicines, affirmations and several healing methods. But most importantly, like giving all of one's attention to a child throwing tantrums, total awareness can be directed to that part of the body that pains - thus making use of the pain for self realisation. In this way, with awareness, the pain also ebbs away.

latha vidyaranya said...

it is generally advised to ignore the child's tantrum to bring it down. more attention given more the tantrum as the child understands the method of gaining attention! similarly, we have all observed that the pain intensifies if we pay more attention to it and it subsides if attention is diverted. more attention given to body pain may intensify our 'dehaatma budhdhi'. if we ignore and start reaffirming that 'i am not this body', perhaps the pain becomes manageable, thus leading us to true-self awareness and slowly in the direction of self realization. we have seen and read, how many self-realized souls have suffered intense bodily diseases during their end stages (sri ramana maharshi suffered from cancer)and still had that fortitude to endure it calmly! but so far fetched for us ordinary mortals!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Awareness functions from within. Attention is from without. Awareness to a particular part of the body that hurts or pains is a natural process and no extra concentration is needed, but be there totally when it happens.

Venkat said...

"Consciousness is the only essence that pervades everything." -- Do u say this by your experience(I mean, Have u realised it.)or are u saying this by ur intellectual learning?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Venkat: Yes it is experience. Intellectual learning may have led me to this realisation, that's a different issue.

latha vidyaranya said...

"Consciousness is the only essence that pervades everything."

this knowledge can become everybody's experience if we pause for a while and try to understand what is it that is making all creatures breath, live, think and act or lie still. that surely is the underlying spirit that is binding the whole world. if we understand this intellectually first, go on contemplating this fact every moment of our life, it slowly sinks in, gets imbibed, and then becomes our own nature, then the experience and the experiencer can merge. but to express this thro words, body consciousness has to be there - like a role being played.

preethi said...

hi swahilya,
your articles in the sunday express impressess me.u take me along with u in the jouneys.its very interesting.