An ocean of Karmic seeds
Klesha moolaha Karmaashayaha Drishta Adrishta Janma Vedaneeyaha
Sati Moole Tadvipaka Jati Ayuhu Bhogaha
The five impurities of ignorance, 'I' ness, attachment, hatred and clinging on to life has its roots firmly planted in a storehouse of karma or action. All our thoughts, words and actions leave deep impressions in this Karmic storehouse. So the subsequent thoughts and the flow of energies in our lives is like an eddy swirling around these impressions.
These movements of thought currents yield results that are experienced in the present moment and that will happen in the future. This decides the sort of experiences we will have in this birth and lifetime.
The pedigree, caste, class, birth, lifespan and the pleasures we experience or will experience in the future are all decided by this blueprint of Karma that we carry long with us from birth to death. Though the blueprint decides what we experience now, our attitudes and actions determine whether we continue to suffer or enjoy. - Swahilya Shambhavi
Lot of learning from your space! Appreciate it!
Welcome Vanamali.
yes, awareness lets us follow the Divine will, who is the owner of the unseen blueprint..
Yes Merging Point. What happened to your blog. I saw it once, but am not able to access your profile.
Yes, Swahilya. just noticed that there is a problem in accessing. shall get it rectified.
Ok! M.P.
for the present, you may access it by typing the entire URL
Karma progressively teaches the self what it has selectively forgotten. Thanks for the insight.
Karma is worked out in this world, just as we work out the excess calories at the gym! Welcome Liara.
yes, karma is getting expended. hence feel happy when you experience sorrow, for your bad karmas are getiing expended! dirt is being cleansed!
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