Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Patanjali Yoga Sutra: II - 7 & 8

Attachment and Hatred
Sukkhanushayi Ragaha
Duhkhanushayi Dweshaha
Out of the five kleshas or impurities that cloud our consciousness, are raga and dwesha. Where attention goes, energy flows. When a particular object person or situation gives us pleasure, our energy travels along with the mind that gets attached to it This is Raga. It comes with Avidya or ignorance that we are separate from the other. Since we think we are separate when we go through a happy time, say while eating a chocolate, we fail to realise that the chocolate has not given us any new happiness, but just triggered the happiness within. With this wrong understanding, we get attached to the chocolate and have more and more of it. This leads us to decay and that is Raga or attachment. It follows our attachment to all that gives us happiness and pleasure.
Opposite of Raga is Dwesha. The more we love someting, the more we hate something. While pleasure is the basis of getting attached, we shudder or run away from that which is unpleasant, bitter or has given us an experience of sadness. When we are averse to or hate something, the balance of energy and mind is tipped outside and we lose our centred state of being within us, which is the true reason for our happiness. - Swahilya Shambhavi.


Well Wisher said...

My name is Joshi. I didn't expect that today I would stumble upon this treasure trove of enlightenment - your blog.

I've always believed that attachment is the root cause of all our miseries. In spite of this knowledge, I find that I still am attached to so much on this physical plane. I've been sort of obsessed with 'shedding' attachment - but all the same continue to be very attached. Your article has inspired me to think more consciously about this and I'm sure that in due time I will be successful.
And yes, many a times I find myself avoiding situations that could possibly give me pain. Maybe past experiences have created such an instinct in me. Thanks for this knowledge on Dwesha - I now should look at not running away from that which may be unpleasant for me.

While I'm signing off, I realise that I've developed a new attachment, "AHAM" - I don't think I want to shed this one.

Meena said...

Am back after a long absence! I loved your analogy of the chocolate. You are right. Objects by themselves do not give us happiness; they trigger the happiness within. What a wonderful idea!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank you Well Wisher!

latha vidyaranya said...

if outside objects trigger happiness within, can it not be true that outside objects also trigger the hatred within? how can we attribute only happiness to the brahman within and not the dwesha part?