Monday, September 29, 2008

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 42

When forms, ideas and meanings still exist....

Tatra Shabdarthagnana
vikalpaihi Sankeerna Savitarka Samapattihi

The various meditative practices leads us to a certain state of Samadhi or absorbtion called Savitarka. It is a conditional state of absorbtion. You meditate on an object or thought. Soon every other thought, emotion or object, except the one you are meditating upon - leaves your awareness temporarily. Like, when you watch a movie in the theatre, you almost forget the world outside, whether it is sunny or raining and during gripping scenes, you even forget the people sitting just next to you. But still, the mind is not totally quiet. It is conditioed by what you see - the name and form and your prior knowledge about the form and its associated meanings within. It is a state of Samadhi, but there is still the doubting and questioning mind that is active. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
Picture: The clouds are bright with sunshine above the city of Paris, but the city is shrouded by the clouds. Even though there is a glimpse of truth, it is only a conditioned vision. (Pic. Swahilya)


fruitu said...

very true swahilya

Meena said...

So true. A moment of clarity, when the mind is like a crystal, and then the questions rise again...But still a great experience.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome fruitu. True Meena...the moments of clarity is what keeps the mind going on and on along the path. They are the glimpses of truth.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Great post, Swahilya. Isn't this the road to peace-of- mind? Except all thoughts would have to be quiet ones. What a gift!!!

I have found this to a degree and revel in it with nature.

I love your lessons!!!

Hugs, JJ

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes JJ...blessed indeed are those who have some quiet part of nature to be with around them and doubly blessed if they know that they have to sit quietly there and be with nature!

Anonymous said...

Another good one.

To my experience, it takes a very long time before one is ready to plunge into the total silence.

At first, one's observational skills are not so developed, leading one to believe that the mind is actually quiet.

But soon enough, that faint little voice will start to make itself heard. Desperately holding on to the ego, trying to prevent it from making the leap across the darkness.

A lot can be learned at these stages, about things previously hidden deep inside the heart.

However, it is but a preliminary step.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

AVC: Yes each in their own pace and space!