Monday, August 11, 2008

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 38

Contemplations of visions in dream and sleep

Swapna Nidra Gnanalambanam Va

There is yet another way of bringing the mind to a state of tranquility. That is by recalling and meditating upon any clear vision of truth that we may have had during the dream state and the deep sleep state.

Though we might not be aware, dreams happen during the time just after we go to bed and even while we are fast asleep. Nidra or sleep as we saw in one of the first few Sutras is among the five activities of the mind. Not all dreas should be meditated upon. Most of them can revolve around the undigested thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, hatred or fundamentally an unnecessary emotion.
Some dreams can be visions of truth too. Recently I experienced such a dream - of myself being a blob of liquid floating in a vast ocean in a subtle human form nevertheless. I am looking up to another similar blob of liquid - another human being for love, grace and benediction.
For a moment, I pause and look beneath my watery feet and it is a deep ocean with unfathomable, yet crystal clear water. The bed of the ocean is no sand, but an orb of light like a moon almost glimmering and from the bottom there are bubbles of love that rise to the surface. In the same dream, I contemplate and realise that the same love, grace, blessings and energy that I look forward to receiving from another person is available all around. And even the other person who will give us also takes from this same ocean to do so. This was not surprisingly a vision of the conscious mind while meditating, but something that I recall happening in deep sleep!
- Swahilya Shambhavi (Fitness, Satori)


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

How connected to the universe and others you are, Swahilya!!! Beautiful imagery. I also connect water with my spiritual self.


Hugs, JJ

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome JJ. Nice meeting you here!

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear swahilya, a lot of my meditations circle around memories of my dreams. I find it inspiring to read this of you. Thank you for sharing. All the best.