Monday, June 30, 2008

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - 30/31

Obstacles on the path
and their symptoms

Bhrantidarshana-Alabdha Bhumikatwa Anavasthitathwani
Chitta Vikshepaha Te Antaraya ha
Dukha Daurmanasya Angamejayathwa Shwasaprashwasaha
Vikshepa Saha Bhuvaha

There are nine obstacles on the path of the unity of the divided individual mind with the one undivided consciousness. The nine impediments can happen to block the success of any work that we undertake - in this context - Yoga or union. In fact, success in anything is ultimately a union with the goal - success for an athelete is union with the gold medal, success for a writer is union with his or her published work and likewise, success in Yoga is realising permanently the one consciousness.

The nine impediments are Vyadhi - disease, styana - sluggishness, a sudden drop in interest towards pursuing a goal or target, Pramada - the "I know it all," or "Been there done that," attitude which stalls the way for further experience, Aalasya - a lazy and nonchalant posture, Avirati - an extraordinary interest in pursuing the pleasures of the sense organs, be it in food, sex, music, reading or interacting with people that is pleasurable to the five senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch - rather getting lost in them, Bhrantidarshana - hallucinations, illusions or seeing and hearing what is not there. For instance, seeing a white shirt in a dark room and thinking it is a ghost is Bhranti Darshana, or being out of tune with the reality.

Alabdha Bhumikathwa is the inability to sustain the moments of truth reached through contemplation - a frequent fall from the glimpse of the one pervading consciousness to the world of dualities, Anavasthitathwani - an inability to remain in one state of mind for long and being in an agitated frame of thought. Chitta Vikshepa is a scattered mind - one part of the mind wants an ice cream, another part wants to run to a bookshop, another to a movie and yet another part to the disco - pieces of mind, rather than peace of mind!

The presence of these nine obstacles will be revealed by either one or all four of the symptoms enumerated in the next Sutra. Patanjali lists them as Dukha - sorrow or sadness, Daurmanasya - a depressed state of mind or a negative shut down mode of the mind commonly referred to as a bad mood, Angamejayathwa or restlessness of the body, fidgeting, unsettled running around and Shwasaprashwasaha - Irregular and often shallow breathing. These four are signs of a scattered state of mind.

(Picture: Sage Patanjali who is rather filling my consciousness these days, author of the Yoga Sutras) - Swahilya Shambhavi (
The New Indian Express - Fitness, The New Indian Express - Satori


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Swahilya, Beautiful post. You have a special gift and are very blessed!!! You help me make sense of this world.

Hugs, JJ

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome JJ! Thank you.

fruitu said...

good one swahilya

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Dear Swahilya,

I´m starting to read what you wrote about Yoga Sutra of Patanjali from the first one in January. I tried to leave a comment yesterday in your blog but I couldn´t (I don´t know how to do it) so I do it from here.

First of all Thank you for writting, I like to learn about that.

I have read what you said about Yoga: is the art of (I will try to use my own words, please correct me if I am wrong) being stronger than the shadows; is the art of being in the Light.

Without any annoying thought or feeling; these shadows are the ones who always try to take us out of the Way, out of the Light that can only be felt when you are One with your dream or your goal.

I would like to be Wise enough to know how to be One with the Way.

I Hope, I Pray for Inspiration ...I would like to add that Yoga could be the same that when you are One with your guardian angel and with the Intuition and with the voice who talk to us through our Heart despite of the shadows or black points that we humans also have. When our relationship with our guardian angel is strong then we are illuminated and, when the shadows come to our mind from the darkness, it doesn´t matter because you are One with the voice who come from your Heart.

This is Light without limitations.

I have been there.

I would like to return. As soon as possible. Now. Today.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thanks fruitu and Light in my heart.

Ray Gratzner said...

dear swahilya, It will take a little time to think about the nine impediments. Thank you for your explanations.
I think business consulter could use the nine impediments too. As obstacles for the change of the company.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Dear Ray, May be I have mentioned this earlier - the Yoga Sutras show the way to make our mind stable and a stable mind is the first key to remove impediments in life, work and also in the path of spiritual realisation. It is one's choice for which they want to use the Sutras - it works the same way in all situations - material or spiritual.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

welcome AVC

Mark said...

Excellent lesson, thank-you.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Mark!

Robbie said...

I am back and with a request this time. I have been thinking and writing on the chaos theory and its similarity with entropy and newtons second law of thermodynamics. I wanted to request you to write on chaos and the concept of culmination of chaotic events to restore order. I also wanted to inform you that I am getting married this december in Chennai. Please send me an E mail with your address and phone number in Chennai . I want to send you an invitation!!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Congratulations Robbie! Now all my six blogs have one topic or the other as you may see. The only left free for any discussion-oriented topic is Cosmic Consciousness, the group blog. May be I'll post something on it there some time.
sure will send my address and email.

Meena said...

Very beautifully explained.Am facing a couple of these obstacles at present, so what a coincidence to read about them!Lovely picture of Patanjali.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

good meena! Always help comes from the cosmos when you need it, through any or many sources!

Anitha said...

Very crisp and nice compilation of vices and symptoms. Nice examples and lucid explanations...Keep going...

Ritesh said...

Yoga is an art of discipline that was developed by an Indian Hindu named Patanjali. Retreat yoga about benefits of yoga exercises, yoga meditation, yoga practice.