Samadhi may sound to be quite an esoteric word. But it can actually be a common everyday experience that goes unnoticed. It can happen when driving a car in the midst of a traffic jam and honking vehicles. It can happen while looking at a bunch of flowers. Samadhi is a simple combination of Sama + Adhi - Sama is same and Adhi is cosmic awareness. The individual awareness gets merged with the cosmic awareness.
Patanjali mentions four ways in this sutra for entering into Samadhi, with the help of objects, nature or people outside, thoughts or happiness within or contemplation on one's own self.
If Albert Einstein was intensely absorbed in a scientific theory and comes out with an original discovery - that happens in a state of Samadhi. At that time all the faculties of his mind are directed toward the object of his study and only awareness remains. This is Vitarka - giving all the faculties of the mind to study and analyse somethng.
Next is Vichara. This is reflection within. Sitting with eyes closed in a quiet ambience, you may find thoughts springing up. Being with those thoughts or emotions and observing the source from which they spring can lead to Samadhi.
Ananda is bliss,m exhalted mood, jubilation. It may have causes outside like being in a beautiful natural surrounding, seeing a lovely movie, playing with children, or even sitting quietly may aid in experiencing the bliss within Going to the source of this bliss is Samadhi through Ananda.
Asmitaroopa - This is the most famous technique expounded by Ramana Maharishi. Let us take our bloggers for instance. I say, "I am Swahilya." JJ will say, "I am JJ," and Fruitu will say, "I am Fruitu." The "I" is common to all the three of us , rhough we come from different places, have different names and forms. The technique to reach Samadhi here is to constantly enquire, "Who am I?" That takes you to the source.
So following the steps shown by Vitarka, reasoning and study of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Bible and the Qur'an, Vichara - reflection on the source, being with the experience of bliss and finding the "I" that we refer to ourselves can take one to a state of Samadhi. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
Photo: Sunset over a lake in Naperville, Illinois. Tranquil scenes of nature are aids to Samadhi if we be fully with that silence.
(Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Bhagavad Gita, Tirumandiram, swahilya.soulmate@gmailcom)
>>>The technique to reach Samadhi here is to constantly enquire, "Who am I?" That takes you to the source.
I love this. It's makes more sense to me now that God says, "I AM."
Hugs, JJ...lights are flickering. May lose power in the storm. Aren't you glad you're back in India. We may have large hail tonight. Tornado warnings are downstate.
Superb picture and the way you interpret in detail is fantastic, thanks for bringing more life to the words
Amazing shot Swahilya!
Beautifully expressed the beauty of samadhi too. Sanskrit words are like the sandalwood fragrance, has its own touch.
Beauty, beauty!!!
JJ: Interesting weather! Always keeping you on your toes!
Welcome fruitu...I am beginning to immerse myself into the Patanjali Yoga Sutra! It is everything...
Welcome Merging Point.
wonderful picture and post
welcome kichenette soul...
Lovely picture and exposition of the sutra.Even though they seem to be different ways, very often we use all of them at different times to reach the same state.The state of samadhi is the same, no matter how we reach it.
Dear Swahilya,
Out of curiosity, would you say that you have reached Samadhi?
Dear A.V.C.: Many a time, been there!
Yes Meena, many times it happens to all at some time or the other. But we may not know to identify it as Samadhi. Though it has a very esoteric connotation, it can be a day to day simple experience of fullness. It can happen while watching a full moon, a flowing river, a mountain, a bird or a squirrel, being with a tree....there are no specifications - any time and anywhere basically.
Dear swahilya, thank you for this fine post.
Each time I read your posts, I can feel your connection to what you write and your inner convincement.
This blog is a jewel among other fine flowers.
I am looking forward to your next post. Wish you much love and light.
"absorbtion of the individual mind with the cosmic mind"
Could this be the restless longing I feel in my heart? I am a seeker. The mystery is..seeker of what?
I am very ignorant about these things. Practicing yoga and meditation is only a knock at the
Thank you for sharing this and for BEING!
Thank you Ray, Welcome.
Dear Gypsy Heart: The restless longing in the heart is the most precious of disturbances that can happen. Just be with it. Everybody seeks something and the mysterious search is for something ultimate, everlasting to merge with the consciousness from which we came.
By practice of Yoga (meditation is a part of it), can help to clear the layers of ignorance that covers this consciousness. When the uncovering happens, the inner essence shines through naturally. This is the essence and purpose of being too. Everything else that we do is only leading to this and Yoga is a path towards this.
hey nice blog really enjoyed goin through it really nice post too.I really appreciate it
with regards
edgar dantas
I wonder if bible and koran talk about samadhi. Because both religions do not believe in such a concept. The oneness subject is infact a blasphemy in islam, incase you dont know. Are you trying to play the secular card here like all political parties?
Dear madarassa man: The root word of Religion is the Latin Religare -which means to bind back. And the binding back here is to the source. The names you have mentioned are nevertheless religions and hence are from the same root Religare - and the sum and substance of all is to bring the mind back to its source.
I mean peace, tranquility and the means to get there. So I don't subscribe to any of your accusations.
Welcome aboard!
Binding back cannot be actualizing the local consciousness with total consciousness. The total or god remains god only, man remains as man only. Your meaningless interpretation of binding back does not apply to islam. The man may abide in god but cannot become god.
religare is binding back but its not binding back to the universal consciousness but binding back to the principles of the religion namely islam. I would like to say do not unclude islam with the semetic religions. if you do so, it is showing how naive you are.
Madarassa Man: If it is Religion then it is Religare - binding one to the source....the principles of a religion are connected ultimately to the one source as all rivers merge into the ocean. Naivete is rooted more in the source and thanks for calling me naive.
Whether God be separate from and superior to Man, or whether we perceive ourselves as a small aprt thereof, God will have ultimate control over all of each and every one of us.
If this is the case, we would honour God by honouring the diversity for which he is responsible, rather than combatting the views and ways of others?
True a.v.c. Combat is possible only if there are two groups or parties. When we talk of oneness, it is of consciousness which transcends culture, tradition, religion, nationality, language and even the Universe. It is way beyond our territorial conflicts!
I liked reading ur blog though I didn't get half the things you had written about,
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