Thursday, March 06, 2008

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - IX

Practice Dispassion

Abhyasa Vairagabhyam Tannirodhaha:

The mind has the five capabilities of cognition, misapprehension, imagination, deep sleep and memory. The nature of the mind is constant activity in trying to put its faculties to use. It always keeps trying to understand, interpret and report its feedback on the happenings in the world outside.

The key of yoga is to reign in the mind, which will then become obedient to the command of the intellect. The obedience in this case will be more like a friend or a lover, rather than as a servant to an overbearing and fearsome master.

By constant practice, the mind can be trained to listen to the intellect rather than acting on its own.

An example of the relationship between the intellect and the mind can be understood this way - the relationship between the CEO of a company and his personal secretary. The personal secretary of the mind has got all the five capabilities. But if he begins to use them on his own, it will be like the secretary receiving all office correspondences and issuing orders himself. A secretary is just supposed to receive the mails and the information and pass it on to the CEO who will take decisions and issue directions. The CEO may chose to ask the secretary for advice now and then, but the final decision is left to himself.

Patanjali says that by constant practice of Yoga - the different methods of practice are mentioned in the other Sutras, the energies of the restless, clueless mind can be harnessed and channelised to thoughts and activities that enrich and enhance the individual.

The purpose of keeping the mind trim and fit with Yoga also prevents the six types of aberrations that cause distortion - Kama - lust, Krodha - anger, Lobha - greed, Moha, Delusion, Mada - arrogance and Matsarya - jealousy.

By sustained practice of Yoga, the mind is not following in the direction of thoughts uncontrollably like a rudderless ship caught in a storm, but is held in charge by the intellect for what it choses to do.

(Photo: Sunset in Naperville, Illinois. A tranquil mind is a friend in need for any work at all times.) - Swahilya Shambhavi.

(Maha Shivaratri, Bhagavad Gita, Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Satsang in Chicago, Tirumandiram, Himalayas,


fruitu said...

Good one Swahilya,

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome fruitu.

kitchenette soul said...

good post!

Merging Point said...

adoring and a contemplative picture!
Understanding the inside Organisation enables one to just be outside...
the yoga of management , interesting and informative.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Kichenette. All kudos go to the Sage Patanjali who has given us Yoga in capsule form that comes in handy for the pill-popping generation!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Merging Point. I would call Yoga the ultimate in management. Even the countries like the US, Germany, Japan or any other - if at all they have succeeded, it is because they have consciously or unconsciously implemented the principles of Yoga - that is not sticking out as individuals, but uniting the individual with the group, national, technology, science, civic or environmental consciousness if not cosmic consciousness. The key to management is being with consciousness.

Aero Dillon said...

:DEar Swahilya:Wonderful exposition.For years I have been trying to din into the ears of my students and friends that 'Yoga' is not merely physical exercises(asanas) but a trainer and regulator of mind which not only keeps the individual healthy and purposeful but ultimately lead to 'realization'.Good.

Meena said...

Dear Swahilya,
Am enjoying reading your posts. Each reading of the Yoga Sutra yields new meanings, new understanding. Such a wonderful text, isn't it? Carry on the good work!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank you Partha Krish, The superfluous and glamorous aspects of Yoga have caught on in several parts of the world with many fancy names - ultimately few realise that it is the essence of life - training ourselves to be like nature yet flower as human beings to have an intimate experience of life moment to moment.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank you Meena! Writing on the Yoga Sutra is a beautiful experience for me as I spend time contemplating on the sutras.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

I am more and more interested in Yoga every day and can see how this practice can make me a better person. I shall keep on learning more and doing the routines. :D

Great post!!!

Hugs, JJ

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Hi JJ. Theank you. Yoga will, with a constant remembering become a way of life.

Ray Gratzner said...

Dear swahilya shambhavi,

I find this post very interesting and you show and share a lot of insight.
Thank you

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

You are most welcome ray gratzner. Thank you.