The dharma that gets destroyed is not to be understood in a people-centric manner. Even for an atom, as well for a universe, there is something called a sustainability quotient for its existence in that particular form to fulfill its purpose in life. Until that purpose is fulfilled, a misalignment of the energies can cause damage. The consciousness manifests at these points, or rather the ever present consciousness is available for a support to fall back on when there is such a shake in the balance. This in essence is the meaning of the verse where Sri Krishna says my spirit will be sent.
And again, Parithranaya Sadhunam Vinashayacha Dushkritam is not about the God being partial and protecting some do-gooders and hating those who are otherwise! Such a partial god is no god. It rains the same over good and bad. The wind blows alike for the good and bad. So does the sun shine or the waters of the ocean touch the feet alike to the good and the bad. And in reality, these two polarities do not exist as there is no one yardstick to understand the good and the bad. Yet, for some discipline and balance in society, some order to run day-to-day life of the plants, animals, humans and all the other species and inhabitants of the Earth and the rest of the Universe, there is a common principle of sustenance called Dharma. When there are forces of energy that swell to destroy this principle of sustenance, the excesses are absorbed readily in consciousness and life begins afresh. The truth of the Divine law of peaceful co-existence and harmony is established.
- Swahilya Shambhavi
Picture: The unseen principle that forms the backdrop for the delicate balance in nature is Dharma. Consciousness is the bedrock of Dharma. This is the law of nature.
Really good Swahilya, you explain with clarity. I would like to share, How shri Ravishankar intreprets Krishna's promise. He explains,
When Arjuna asked Krishna about the knowledge Krishna was giving(recited as the fifth chapter in Bhagavad Gita), Krishna Said, "This yoga-this knowledge of Yoga that I am giving to you now, I had given to somebody, fifteen thousand years ago.."
Arjuna imediately said, "What Ishkwaku lived so long ago, but you are born now... How is it possible that you could have taught this yoga to Ishkwaku and others? Those people were born thousands of years ago!"
Krishna replied, "My dear, both you and I have come here several times. I know it all-and I remember you. You do not remember. It is not just once that I am here. I am eternal-continuing in consciousness."
Krishna then promises ( as given in the Bhagavad Gita), " I'll come again and again when it is needed. In the time cycle, when people forget yoga, when people forget this knowledge, when they forget how to go into themselves ( How to become hollow and empty, how to get into the source of the being),then I'll come... and I will come again and again to revive this knowledge. I will come again and again so that all the fortunate ones get this knowledge."
best wishes
Wonderful post!
Thank you for the literal meanings too!
thank you fruitu, kichenette soul and merging point!
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