Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 4

The Silence and the Sounds of Music

Tantryadi Vadyashabdeshu Dheergheshu Kramasamsthithe
Ananyachethah Pratyante Paravyoma Vapur Bhaveth.
The Universe is in the form of the cosmic sound called Nada. It is this Nada that emanates when a chord of the veena or tampura is struck. It can be a keyboard, guitar, tabla or congo drums, the sounds of birds, chirping of a squirrel or even the human voice. But when the mind follows the frequencies of the musical waves and the silence that precedes, stays along and exists after the sound subsides, then it merges into that silence and becomes the body of silence itself.
So next time you hear music, even speech sometimes can be music to the ears! know it's time to let go and just be with the sounds. The point where the sounds end and the silence begins, is the end of meditation. It is the place where the rivers merge into the ocean of bliss. The sounds begin from silence, travel in silence and fall back into the same silence.
- Swahilya Shambhavi


Ganesh said...

Swahilya is that you on Yamaha DGX 203 ?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Ganesh, it's me on Yamaha PSR 401