...God Delights to Hear
It is my third year into my interaction with a bunch of these little chirpy children at the Aksharabhyas every Saturday. And what a divine experience it has been. I remember hearing them for the first time. They were quietly sitting and singing some bhajan and the mood was elevating. Soon after they broke into a dance and action to sing their favourite bhajan 'Thondhi Ganapathi Va Va Va,' in Tamil and with greater action in Hindi, 'Kha the bhi Ram Kaho...Peethe bhi Ram Kaho...' sitting, standing, turning around with several histrionics combined. When they began dancing, the whole dynamics of the energy in the room changed and I could feel a different presence, a different vibration dancing through the room.
And these young children are so quick to understand too. When we sing, "Bham Bham Bhola,' I will ask, "Where is Shiva? Is he in the Himalayas? In Mount Kailash, doing Tapas?" They will not take a moment to reply - "No....Inside us."
The same is the reply for what ever I ask them. They never make a mistake in that...god is everywhere, god is here, god is there, god is outside and most importantly god is inside.
Contemplating on the word Aksharabhyas, I found that Akshara is a group of letters beginning with A and ending with Ksha. It also means the soul...that which is beyond destruction. That Akshara, is the word of God. And Abhyas is to practice again and again and again. Practice is required because in case of an emergency, the knowledge has to happen in an instant. And preparation for war has to happen during times of peace. And the times of crisis where the divine word has to be called for armour and weapons is the war here. And practice for that ushering has to happen during times of peace...that is when there is no crisis, no troubles and no problems in life...exactly at the time of life that these children are in - growing from bliss to bliss.
Wonderful see to such young children chanting. I can see the sincerity in their faces.
very inspiring indeed.
Hmm..what say!
Lovely children especially that cute yogini sitting in front!
The little boy with a plastered hand still coming to the class shows the zeal and effort on your part to make the class so interesting!!
Keep up the good work
Thanks Parvati!
Thank you known stranger!
ya ya
The words are so beautiful. They have touched me deep deep inside, and I read your words with bliss in my heart and peace. What a moment it was.
Thanks Tharini!
so cute to see all eyes closed immersed in the words and thoughts. Lovely work :-)
Thank you for your beautiful insights.
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