I really wanted to find a beautiful picture to match this post which is a request from Robbie, and thought this was the best!
When we talk of the male and the female sex, it is not even at the level of the mind, leave alone the soul, which is neither male nor female, tall nor short, good nor bad, but one homogenous matrix that is present in everything and everywhere.
The battle if any is just at the physical level and the gross mind, very close to the body level of thinking.
And what we think is a battle, is indeed not so too. It is a struggle for evolution. And evolution, growth and progress can happen only when there is a challenge to the present conditions. Speaking from my own experience, I have heard people complain: Oh what womanhood, so many trials and tribulations, so many people to answer to, so much to bear with resilience and silence..." But any amount of withstanding of challenges thrown at you from whatever direction is to strengthen one's own experience to get back to the now. And whoever has the most of it, is indeed fortunate.
And it ought to be a battle of the sexes, because that is the major factor separating human from human, besides many other smaller or bigger factors such as caste, language, religion or nationality.
When the point of view shifts to the physical, the gross mind, the battle is bound to be. But when the focus shifts to the consciousness within, then there is no battle. If any wound is inflicted upon, it is for one's own growth, one's own progress. How else is one to realise the sad state of affairs one has been caught in. If there is no fight, there is no struggle, there is no pain, there is no existence.
The battle of the sexes, is the very essence of Sansar which has to be observed and transcended. It is inevitable. It is necessary, if the world has to turn round and round.
When the point of view shifts to the physical, the gross mind, the battle is bound to be. But when the focus shifts to the consciousness within, then there is no battle. If any wound is inflicted upon, it is for one's own growth, one's own progress. How else is one to realise the sad state of affairs one has been caught in. If there is no fight, there is no struggle, there is no pain, there is no existence.
The battle of the sexes, is the very essence of Sansar which has to be observed and transcended. It is inevitable. It is necessary, if the world has to turn round and round.
Hey Swahilya,
Thanks for writing such a wonderful piece of prose at my request. Your take on this issue is very interesting and thought provoking. The sentence "evolution, growth and progress can happen only when there is a challenge to the present conditions" caught my attention the most because it is true that evolution requires challenges. For a species to evolve you do need a lot of challenges and adaptation and natural selection will follow suit. You have in essence agreed with Darwin and his origin of species with this essay. This sentence " if there is no fight, there is no struggle, there is no pain and there is no existence" perfectly agrees with the survival of the fittest. There is always a struggle to survive, to adapt, to change, to mould oneself to fit natures requests.
Thanks a lot for your views, was really enlightening.
I will also constantly keep pestering you with requests. I have to go to the laboratory to understand another mystery molecule.
Thank you Robbie.
Hey Swahilya,
Check out my blogsite to hear a musical piece composed by Ganesh called Resilience. The inspiration for that theme was bharatiyar's poetry which I have recited. I would also be honored if you wrote a blog post on resilience.
In the states, many people label their 'higher power' or 'god' as male (usually) or female. For some reason gender is extremely important. On the other hand, for myself, gender seems too terrestrial to apply to an omnipotent divine being. How can one's higher power be concerned at all with triviality of sex?
Too much reaction here to overbearing middle-aged men always pontificating, and our belief in their 'superiority'. I recoil now from the image of 'god' as the supreme [white] male with long flowing hair, beard, and deep ethereal voice. Better the loving, compassionate spirit of our human selves.
We also think the battle of the sexes is worth it because of the makeing up after the fight.
Hi Robbie: Resilience indeed, I'll write soon.
Brother Bill: Yes. When God is that which has no form, name or quality, how could it have gender.
I have missed coming here. You always stir me to thinking. I like that. It was a joy to catch up. Thank you.
Thank you Zareba, long time me too yet to catch up with you and many others...
Me again.
Yes, I have a tendency to disagree, till I get my point across.
But, I think it is not correct to say God do not have any form, quality or gender. He have all the qualities, all colours, all forms and all genders. He take the required form to his wish.
Regarding the existence of sexes, it is the way of nature's or God's experiments in this world. Split it into 2, let there be millions, join it together in different order, give it the time frame of million of years, give soul to each existence. Isn't it God doing a great experiment? And we people the good finished product of an earlier experiment and raw material for future experiments?
Existence of the sexes are required for the existence of the human kind, through which the God conduct his own personal experiments.
for few years - i am trying to understand myself what is soul. does it undergo pain and happiness. is it apprehensive matter or is it unaprehensive.
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