Friday, March 31, 2006



These last few days have been a glimpst of the experience of uninterrupted presence in my life. While practising Yoga, I saw that the moving of the body is to experience the presence outside as much as I can stretch and bend. Pranayama is to experience the presence within, through the air we breathe and finding out where the air stops and gets back. Knowledge is to study the presence of the divine in the space within the mind. Nada Yoga is to see and experience the presence in the silence at the end of and through every sound. That silence and space is a holder for the presence.
Everything holds the presence. The presence holds everything in it. It doesn't matter if we win or lose, slip and fall and rise again, the presence is always there and the same. Just experiencing, like these trees.


Ramya Shankar said...

Thats quite an analogy!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...


Ram said...

Love the way you said that...very simple, yet I have often found that this entity you call presence is very elusive.


Houseowner said...


i've never quite thought of pranayama that way, but now that you mention it, it is exactly the way i've felt!

back to blogging i see! :)



Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Ram: It is there. It is elusive because the mind will not allow you to see it. The mind likes to dwell on the past or anticipate the future. It has no work in the present. And so being in the present, means death for the mind. So it will not allow that to happen so easily.
Thanks for being here.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Hi Ramya. Good to see you here. Thanks. Yes you are right. Breathing in deeply is to touch that zone where breath ends and presence begins.

Trespasser said...

Amazing and indeed true.

Anonymous said...

true. there is something beyond this conscious presence too.....where there is no falling, slipping rising....the eternal being...

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

*Trespasser: Yes.
*Beyond Journey: Yes, the Unspeakable.

Red Bark said...

Hello Swahilya,

Thank you for another useful call to presence. Everything done in the name of presence is worthwhile.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank You beard.

brotherbill said...

Yes, we are human beings, are we not? Just being is our purpose in living. Thank you for helping me remember, swahilya, thank you for the beautiful reminder. My gods seem to speak to me through your art. Smiles and sunshine blessings.

hari said...

Hi Swahilya,

An enthralling post. Your line on Knowledge reminds me of Rajagopalachari's words during introduction of MS's Bhajagovindam where he says " Gnana and Bhakthi are one and the same and Knowledge must get transformed into Bhakthi, otherwise it is useless" and I believe this process of transformation is meditation.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

* Brother Bill: Thank You.
* Hari: True.

Sattvic said...

Hi Swahilya: I love the way you put things in perspective. I am copy pasting the reply on my blog site: True, been a long time. Hope your trip back to India was fine. I did read your article about Chicago in the Hindu. Your blogs are awesome. Just that I didnt have time to comment. Will spring back in to action after my final exams. Till then my wishes and regards to you and your family. I hope your kutti nephew at Chicago is doing awesome!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

hi sattwic: thank you. yes of course, he's doing well and will be visiting India soon too. all the best for your exams.

Butterflies said...

Your blogs are really good...Its as peaceful like a temple,,,they talk on your maturity....Really like them...Blog more

Hi. I'm Aishwarya. said...

that reminds me of a chapter on resurrectoin of Yuktheshwar from "Autobiography of a Yogi"... it says" We are all part of the One Spirit. When you experience the true meaning of religion, which is to know God, you will realize that He is your Self, and that He exists equally and impartially in all beings."

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