Monday, February 13, 2006


....surrounded by a world of music
As music closes in on me
Listening to chants of Shiva
And my most favourite bhajan
Gourangu Ardhangu Gangatharange
Again and again on my walkman
As I drive through the four directions
Of this lively city
I see that music is a zone of subtle vibrations
That lies deep deep within my being
Listening or singing connects me
The height of the body is just
Five feet plus
But the mind's height has no expanse
It is infinite
And music keeps me united ever
With that eternity.
Feet on the ground
Yet mind in the high zones
Of silence and bliss
I move on and on.
- Swahilya


kitchenette soul said...

Very True
Music is Bliss
A doorway to the
Truth that is

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Kichenette, soon I'll be a drop in that ocean at Bangalore. Namaste.

Anonymous said...

In what Raga is this Gourangu Ardhangu?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

It's an old Hindi bhajan, but the music is filling and mesmerising. It is in some Hindusthani Raga, I am still trying to find out which.

Anonymous said...

How do you say music unites with the cosmos?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Hi Omkaram Bindu Samyuktham: What a beautiful name. Do you blog?
When I was singing that song 'Gourangu Ardhangu,' again and again, I discovered that whether music comes from outside, or generated within one's self, what it actually does is excite the particles in the atmosphere. Once recently when I was alone at home, I played the song in full volume on the CD player and when I put my hand into a deep vessel or the wash bin of the washing machine, the air inside was vibrating. Only then this discovery happened that when music excites the particles to movement, it provides us an opportunity to experience the core of our being, that is closest to silence. Small events such as this sometimes triggers the most profound discoveries.

Anonymous said...

Are you attending the Art of Living Silver Jubilee programme in Bangalore?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes, I thought I would write about it in a separate post. I am one among 3,500 artistes who will be playing some musical instrument. I am playing the Veena. The programme is being held on Feb. 17, 18 and 19. The music fraternity of India and many from countries abroad are gathering there at the Nada Yagna. I am leaving for Bangalore tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Swahilya for such a beautiful explanation of the subtle nuances of music. I consider it a blessing to have known you. I don't blog, but I read interesting blogs. Yours is one of my favourite haunts. Yes I like the name too, it is from one of the shlokas on Shiva and goes like this:
Omkaram Bindu Samyuktham Nithyam Dhyayanthi Yoginaha
Kamadam Mokshadam Chaiva
Omkaraya Namo Namaha.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank You Omkar....Please do keep in touch. I am provoked to think more only when people like you ask questions. So please don't spare me.

Matthew May said...

Very beautiful Swaha, and I really liked the line And music keeps me united ever
With that eternity.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank you Matt.