Tuesday, October 25, 2005


...and Adharma

Morality, as the dictionary describes is a discrimination between the good and the bad. In our ancient parlance it is the difference between dharma and adharma. But even from the point of view of the words both in English and Sanskrit - Adharma contains Dharma and Immoral contains Moral.
But it is a very very thin line to draw. Killing may be immoral for some, but it is a profession for another. Extra-marital relationships can be considered immoral in some countries, but there are many societies and civilisations where it is considered good cultural practice and service.
In my deep contemplation of the Ramayana or the Mahabharatha, I discovered that the confluence of the good and the bad is a necessary process for evolution.
There is no Ramayana without Ravana abducting Sita. Rama's fight with Ravana to establish Dharma is one such example of such a confluence - when two mighty energies meet, a positive and a negative force, there is a big spark created which ushers in a change in the environment.
Similarly, in the Mahabharatha, there is no scope for the expression of the Pandavas, representing the good forces, without Duryodana and his group representing the evil forces.
But just as the Sun supports all, good or bad, the wind blows for all good or bad, the rain visits evenly the high and the low terrains, space is present everywhere and does not denies itself for the bad - so there is a zone within that is the same in the good and the bad, the moral and the immoral - transcending all polarities. Done with the support of that presence within, in tune with it, in a state of Yoga, an act may be considered good or bad, moral or immoral by the society - but for the doer of such an act and thinker of such a thought or speaker of a certain word, it is the best that can happen at that particular moment of infinity.


radiantbear said...


Ure changed ure template?? nice..

Bloggrolled you!!


Ganesh said...

color mathiteenga polairukke.
Seri ippadi ellam thinline/borderline pona
everybody can justify their act.
So why do we need court etc
confusing :(

Suderman said...

i always mean to tell u in office and forget... dunno if u've heard abt scientology, the new religion that claims to be scientific...
dunno how true that is... but interesting anyway, check out:
going by ur profile description, u are a scientologist too, like Tom Cruise! :)

SongOfSoul said...

Again u have hit me straight in the gut. Are u created to just answer my questions?? :-)

Swahilyaji, I Bow to you Sir,
Your words are like nectar from the flower, pure and original from the mother nature's lap.

with best wishes

Ganesh said...

you may want to stay away from that group trust me.
Tom Cruise offlate acts like a weirdo marai kazhanda case.

kitchenette soul said...

There cannot be one morality code for all times. Its highly subjective, changes with times, races religions and people. No eternal 'right' nor wrong. Hence this topic is eternally debatable. Morality in the Mahabharata times and now are different. What was accepted then is not acceptable today and vice versa.

Hence an awareness of right and wrong at that moment in time is more apt. This awareness trancends good and bad.

radiantbear said...

Bloggrolled you!! Finally did learn this art!!

Blabber-blogger said...

nicely written :)..

Logged on to your blog after a short break. Seems we are still in the topic of dharma n adharma and moral policying here. I would rather not repeat myself :) I stay with my previous comments.. "You are the best judge of what your moral policies and what is dharma and adharma for you.".

I guess all is fine if one knows - How can one live fearlessly , free from inhibitions and dogmas and false stigmas ? How does one follow one's heart and mind and not bother about what future holds. Either way, we are all trying to make ourselves happy, people around us happy, constantly guessing what the future holds and act so as to make it perfect.. Naive that we are (or i should say ! am)..we dont understand that isnt at all in our hands.

So.. how does one incorporate the right values - of fearless living, uprightness, self respect more than how you are seen by others.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@Naanyaar: Thanks if you like the template. A very close friend of mine has done it for me.
@Ganesh: For a society that lives in tune with the divine, that is Satya Yuga - then there is no place for courts and advocates.
@suderman: Thanks for your first comment on my blog. Yes I have heard of Scientism - Science and Religion. It has always been the same, but now people, rather scientists are discovering it.
@Sumonk: Thanks.
@Kichennette: True.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Nyneisha: A life of truth to oneself will automatically fall in tune with the truth that exists in the Universe. But that requires courage.

Mysorean said...

Excellent post!

May I add...

There is no such thing as guilt. Everything is right.

Mysorean said...

Changed the template and removed your blogroll in the process? I was proud that my name featured on your blog! :) Now, it doesn't!:( But strangely, the pride continues to exist! ;)

Ganesh said...

Swahilya - we are not in satya yuga anymore. Sorry !!
The very dharma that tells you see God in everyone is under threat.
Whats going in this world is the policy of "My Way or no way, follow my x-way otherwise you are doomed as it is written in my book so it is correct and rest of the methods are false."
I dont know how santana dharma is going to deal with these folks they have money power and msm behind them.
Ok coming back to the topic
I do agree that soul that has realized the divinity of self with the higher self/universe/cosmos whatever there is no boundaries and differences
But one cannot always be in that state, they still have to coexist with mundane world. Still have abide by rule of the law.
The body of that soul will still feel hunger will rot.
Perfect soul cannot exist in this relative world.
Thats why even the perfect ones when they come to the relative world takes some impressions/karma do help mankind or fellow human being.

Blabber-blogger said...

Sounds good. - the word courage, detemination, will to fight it out.
But to the one who is on the low side.. these arent easy to come forth. How does one go about it then

Robbie said...

I have an exam tomorrow and I am taking in your take on dharma and adharma!
Beautiful explaination. I enjoyed it when you used the Ramayana and Mahabharata as examples. The characters in the Mahabharata are all neither black or white all of them have shades of grey (god included). What was good or bad was always a relative thing and was applied with a global context of cause and effect. It was interesting to note how you dissected this complicated topic with just one simple sentence "so there is a zone within that is the same in the good and the bad, the moral and the immoral - transcending all polarities."
Loved it!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@Adi: Thanks for your comment. Just relax. As I said, a friend of mine worked on it and in the process, the blogroll and stat counter have gone. They'll soon be back. So just cheer up.
@Ganesh: There has never been any Satya Yuga, that existed separately. It is a state of mind. If one is in tune with it, for that individual, it is Satya Yuga. So there is no question of preaching morality to the world or correcting it. One has to check out on oneself alone.
@Nyneisha: Just pure meditation or any form of it that one may practice will lead people to that state.
@Robbie: Thanks.

Ganesh said...

so you mean to say all the yugas mentioned in bhagavatham etc are just imaginations of a delusioned mind ?!
In that case even 'God' is nothing but pure imagination or manifestation of delusioned mind.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

@Ganesh: I don't mean to say that all the Yugas mentioned in the Bhagavatham are imaginations of a delusioned mind. Bhagavatham is alive. It is there today.
Gita is alive. It is there now. It is not a thing of the past, dead and gone. I am saying that they are alive, very much now and here. Krishna is alive. Rama is Alive. Ramana Maharishi is alive. Satya Yuga is there here now - for the person who is able to see it, experience it. And for the one who is able to see it, can obviously not be talking out of delusion. It is Pratyaksham! Satyam!

Ganesh said...

Swahilya-Got your point now :)

T.Padmhasini said...

Swahilyaji, your last para says it all.

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