Gnana Chakshu
It was evening and I was riding my way to an assignment on Dr. Radhakrishnan Road in Chennai. As I was moving forward, I was seeing with both my eyes. The vision was limited to the vehicles just in front of me and people just around me. Then this thought of the third eye came. Even as I wondered what it could be, I actually experienced how it is physically possible to see with the third eye.
It couldn't be more simpler than this. It is the energy within that sees through the two eyes. When that energy climbs higher than the eyes to the forehead, there is some kind of seeing that happens as if the whole forehead were a big eye - seeing with the whole region of the forehead. What a holy name the region of the chidakash has in English - Temple.
No sooner than I discovered this, I was shuttling between the lower vision through the two eyes when I saw separation, multiplicity, duality, I and the other. But this vision from the Gnana Chakshu - the eye of wisdom is available. I only have to choose to look that way. When I look through that space on the forehead, the eyes that show duality almost become immobile and non-functional. Seeing from the third eye, which is not just a vertical eye as shown in pictures depicting Shiva, but the whole boundless space on the forehead, the vision is spatial and there are objects and people moving about or static in that space.
It was an exhilarating find.
Vanakkam. For sometime there has been a flurry of thoughts about religion, vedanta and its a welcome coincidence that I am opportune to read your blogs.
Your insight about the "Gnana chakshu" is very interesting.
I wonder how and when God wills that people begin to get drawn towards Him despite living in such a phenomenal world full of events..Your recent quotes on Thirumandiram along with the exceptional music of Thiruvasagam by Illayaraja sir complement nicely atleast to me..
Yes. Now it is the time for spirituality.
Is this third eye intuition? I always feel that when I concentrate the most focus is somewhere between my eyes. When I get intutive, I also feel that it is between my brows!
hmm! gnana chakshu indeed!
Yes. That is the eye of intuition. When the energy surges to that spot between the eye brows, a kind of seeing in the thought sphere happens. That is intuitive vision. You give tuition to your mind to look within. Within means not the gross names and forms but the thought patterns that appear when you close your eyes.
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