Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pancha Koshas

The Five Sheaths

The human body, which is a representative of every living being on the Universe is a chink of energy covered by five layers. These layers are not one over the other, like five sheets of cloth of varying thickness, but one layer with all the five elements intermingling, moving from the gross to the most subtle.
If the five kosha's are contemplated upon thoroughly, one can realise that we are all not individual persons but are like a wave in the mighty ocean of creation.
The grossly visible layer is the Annamaya Kosha: The physical body that is made up of the food we eat. The body is like a container that holds water. Or rather it is like ice in the shape of a vessel, holding water in it. The body that is born out of food, is nourished, grows and sustains with the help of food and when it falls, it becomes food. There is no profit, no loss. Taken from the Poornam and goes back to the Poornam.
The next comes the Pranamayakosha: While the Annamaya Kosha makes us feel that we are all independent entities, different from each other in colour, complexion and features - the Pranamayakosha is subtler than the Annamayakosha and is the first step towards understanding oneness. The prana in America may be inhaled through the breath in Australia. What is exhaled in India might travel to Africa! Breath is neither your's nor mine, but belongs to everybody. The breath is the container of the prana, which is the life energy that keeps every cell of the body alive. When this Prana leaves its hold on the body, then death happens and the cells disintegrate.
Manomayakosha is the Mind. We have often felt that without knowing a language, we can feel the emotions expressed by another. This is a subtler element than the Prana, that is housed in the human body. There is a constant transaction happening in the world of emotions, expressing and impressing, impressing and expressing. Many a time when you are cheerful, for no reason the throat might choke with sadness. This happens because the emotion of sadness from another has impressed upon you silently and make you feel the same way.
Vignanamayakosha: This is subtler than the mind or emotions. It is the intelligence body. This intelligence body is also uniformly spread out and transmission of intelligence constantly happens. The scientific developments of the west have always reached the east and the spiritual realisation of the eastern mystics have always been available to the west. Just like the breath, mind and intellect are common for all and not confined to bodies.
The last is the Anandamayakosha. It is the body of bliss which pervades the entire universe, living and non-living. A mountain blissfully remains a mountain, an ocean is in a blissful state of being...Dhyayativa Prithivi, Dhyayativa Parvataha, Dhyativa Sagaraha.
Anandamaya Kosha is the body of the human and the Universe that is always in Meditation. The purose of all our meditative practices is to find out our real being, that is the Anandamaya Kosha.
When Adi Sankara says in the Nirvana Shatkam 'Nava Pancha Koshaha.' - I am not the Pancha Kosha's he is talking of the Supreme Being that is the most subtle 'Param' which is the unsplittable, indivisible Brahman, which also we are.


Anonymous said...

It is important to rememember that when Adi Shankara denies the pancha koshas, he does not deny their presence or their identity with you. He simply says that Im not these pancha koshas(five layers of personality) only but Im every pancha kosha I see around me.
When Nirvana Shatkam read and understood from this dimension, it will open up a much broader vista
to spirituality.

Giving up identity with the singular sheaths and identifying with the total sheaths present in the world is the secret. Otherwise the denial of the sheaths can lead to abnormal behavior and other illusory experiences. The various
self torturing rituals are born this way only in order to negate and destroy the sheaths on the top and to experience the atman or consciousness inside.

This thought of negating also leads to another erroneous notion that the soul which is covered by these false sheaths need to be released. The futile exercise to get out of body can lead to total destruction of individual sheaths and the individual who is present in these sheaths will never be able to experience the soul inside.
It is NOT developing hatred or aversion or disinterest or give up individual body,mind complex but to add all the sheaths around you as yours by which you can renounce the limited singular sheaths identifications.

The sanyas concept of shankara is
based on renouncing(NOT DESTROYING
OR BEING INDIFFERENT)individual sheaths and realizing that all the bodies and minds and intellect as yours. As it is mentioned in the post here that all the sheaths are made up of the same five elements...

Anonymous said...
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Kasthuri said...

Nice post. Enjoyed reading it. Sometime back I wrote something regarding the koshas and evolution. Here is the link if you are interested in seeing it.
Keep posting more.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Once Upon A Time: Thank you for presenting the most ancient truth for the most modern mind so succintly. In short, it means to accept all the Koshas as one's own and then every individual realises they are the Universe, right?

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Kasthuri S. Will see it soon.

Anonymous said...

The ego begins only from intellect
and the anandamaya kosha is not owned by an individual. Probably
there are only four koshas and the fifth is a unidentified kosha...

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes So the Story Goes: It is the human intellect that makes them say 'I' and 'You'.

Ganesh said...

beautiful thanks to both swahilya and onceupon a time.

Do you guys believe in parnahuti/transmission. ?

It happened to me..
When you are in a presence of a saint say just of eg Ammachi or inside Ramanashramam the vibrations you feel is so divine. Mind doesn't run around but in a steady stream,flows gently
its more of convering inside or pushes you inside

so how does one explain that.

Anonymous said...


A great insight about Pancha Koshas and connecting it to Adi Sankarar's treatise.

Once upon a time:
Great comments and perspectives..

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Ganesh: The mind is nothing but a blob of energy surrounding an individual, comprising of the thoughts they store in it. When these thoughts are of the divine presence of the one param that is predominant, that individual or place becomes a powerful whirl of energy, a dynamo, just like a nuclear reactor. This power is all absorbing. Depending on the capacity of the individual to surrender, there is a possibility of dissolving all the frivolous thoughts and get engulfed and refreshed in their presence. This is the same process that happens when one takes a dip in a holy rivir or visits a temple or a holy place of worship. But in the case of a living Master, the force is generated from the self.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...
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Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank You Varadha.

T.Padmhasini said...

Swahilyaji, Pranams. Slowly starting to read other blogs also. Unfortunately I am yet to find out a way for incorporating the blogrolling in my template.
Just read yours on Panchakosha. Very nice and I would like to invite you to write in my blog also from time to time. By the by the importance of this five, the Panchakosha, Panchendriya, pancha bhuta etc. also need treatment for enlightenment to all. I have given my e-mail ID in many places in my blog. Kindly come from your ID.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Padmasaniji, I'll do that. Namaste. swahilya.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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