....sublime truths
The tiniest flower or a dew drop dangling on the tip of a blade of grass reflecting the light of the morning sun, the mud beneath, the evening sky, the roots of a tree - many ordinary little images that I come across have many a time conveyed the most sublime truths.
It was one such incident yesterday at the Akshara Foundations meditation hall. On the red carpet, there was a small bit of round glass that had fallen from somebody's dress. When that bit of glass caught my eye, I had just then finished dancing for Adi Sankara's Nirvana Shatkam. My frame of mind was hence very meditative.
The piece of glass on the red carpet was shining with the light received from a bulb over the picture of my Guru. As I was looking at the shining mirror glass on the red carpet, intensely, it was as if the whole carpet and the whole world it held was spread over a substratum of bright light. It looked as if, I had a glimpse of that divine light through a chink in the carpet.
An ordinary piece of glass fallen on the ground, reflecting a 60-watt bulb's light. But the truth it conveyed was the most sublime.
Namaskar Swahilyaji: This is in response to your comment on my blog "Cosmic Creation....The reference to past lives is purely to achieve a panaromic view, not visible through physical eye, of my Cosmic Existence.It is very essential for final merging with The Source (The Brahma). Without knowing the Beginning and the final end of Cosmic Existence all spiritual efforts in present life cycle becomes redundant. For example we accept that there is a river known as Holy Ganges even without ever going there and take a dip.We are told that it originates from Gangotri and after a long journey through India merges with the Ocean.If we fly over it at an altitude that we can see the Beginning and The End of Holy Ganges that is like encountering and experiencing The Truth.Same goes with my life cycles that I like to view the Beginning and Where it will end without knowing When! All life cylces that I have lived so far are like day and night (Birth and Death)The past, present and future
is relative to Space Time. Once we understand and experience our Cosmic Existence, we go beyond Space Time. The secret of our Existence is hidden in Jnan Karma Sanyas Yoga chapter 4 of Bhagwad Gita. I was lucky to have an opportunity to Travel whole of India extensively by car marketing and promoting Horlicks
I came in contact with variety of Sadus and Sanyasins that influenced my thinking. We may continue our discussion further if u are interested. I am sure with our spiritual interaction we learn and share our experiences to enrich our understanding. Hari Om TatSat
Hi Swahilya,
Very fascinating. But do not call it merely the reflection of a 60W bulb. The divine radiance emitted from Swami Akshara's truly imposing picture there was worth thousands of Watts of energy. So the glow on the glass was more from the radiance of the Swami than the bulb itself. No doubt the glow was so divine.
Bringing out such sublimities adds on to the grandeurs of your blog. Thanks !
this reminded me of 'Shanmuga Dhyanam' of Vallalal Adigalar.
As we progress the relfection of ourselves from a mirror will only remind us our 'SELF' and not the 'I' the ego.
Now that will be a real progress.
good post.
Sometimes a small piece of glass is enough to trigger thoughts from your innermost self. I have experienced this when I have been in total concentration in the lab, like I have told you umpteen times before. I often feel that out of body experience when I am working so hard and concentrating, it is as if a part of me is outside observing me, as I practice my science.
Now I think it is also time to ask you to write about something, I hope you will fulfil my desire, I want you to write about concentration. I want it to be as comprehensive as you can get, as I go through your numerous posts I have always noticed sublime dedication,concentration and an unwavering mind on explaining yourself. I am glad you are back!
Sure Parasherji: What you say is right. If the knowledge of the past happens as a vision, it's absolutely fine. Sure, we will continue the conversation.
Namaste. Swaha.
Hari: Absolute truth what you said. It is the energy of the atmosphere in the hall with Swamiji's presence in abundance, that has facilitated my understanding of this truth.
@Go.Ganesh: Thank You.
@Ganesh: Very beautifully said. I experienced this once when I saw a mirror once. The mirror has the capacity to reflect and other objects and people we see do not have the capacity to reflect. But the truth is what we see around is a reflection of our own self like a flower inside a multidimensional ball made of coloured glass of varying sound frequencies!.
Blogdoctor: I visited your site, not because I am an addict as you have mentioned, but because I always have the habit of visiting the sites of people who post their comment here. I agree that there is a possibility of addiction and it calls for a great deal of awareness not to get trapped in blogomania. But as I have posted in your site, I pursue a great deal of activities, primarily and wholly meditation. This helps me to constantly watch myself from going astray! Thanks for dropping by.
Robbie: I was very much here on the blog, only lesser number of words. Somehow I am feeling more silent these days and would express myself only when people like you come up with some topic to write on. I'll soon post on Concentration.
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