Sunday, July 17, 2005

Oh so


Pain is so difficult when it comes. Many have said that it is a great teacher. To philosophise and contemplate, it is all fine. But when it does strike, there is no way to escape but just bear it in silence.


If it is the head that aches
Or the heart that throbs
A gnawing knee or pulverised stomach
Human body afflicted with pain
Groans and moans for eternity.

Why should man endure sorrow
What need for pain to come and go.
There today, gone tomorrow.
Is pain a necessity for progress?
For life to move forward
Should we suffer pain?

Why should the poor man suffer poverty?
Why should the rich suffer indigestion?
Why should the child suffer from cancer of the brain?
Or the little boy limp with a polio foot?
What need for young lovers to suffer separation?
Why should the mother bear pangs of labour?

If pain is progress with suffering
Why need birth, existence and then death?

* * * * *


Robbie said...

It is clear from your post that pain is just an indicator for a particular problem, in a painless world we would all probably die without symptoms, I would rather live with such an indicator than without. Sorry for the excruciatingly long sentence, must have been a pain reading it:P

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Wow. So Robbie is pretty humorous too! You are right. Once life has happened, then pain is an indicator of what we ought to be sensitive to and take not of. I now remember reading a real story of a child in the US who does not have the sense to know pain and her mother says, "I would give anything for my daughter to know what pain is." It is that important.
I also saw a futuristic play by children in a school here about an electronic age where everything is available at the press of a button. God, that's really a boring life. Nothing like taking an axe and sweating it on the ground to see a beautiful plant spring forth from the soil!

hari said...

Hi Swahilya,

Pain is a very subjective term. What is pain for one would be progress and prosperity for another. Example Patient and Doctor.

More than a cause of progress, pain is life conserving as if it was not for pain there would be no life on earth. Imagine if we cannot experience pain, we would not know the impact of an injury, disease or disorder, eventually resulting in the extinction of life. I have heard of a brain disorder where a person does not experience pain. A child in USA had this problem and by the time he was five years old he had eaten good parts of his fingers. The child was then put in a cage with 24 hours vigil lest he would kill himself.

The birth itself is through pain. There is life only because pain protects us from death. And when we grow old your body becomes less sensitive to pain and that is when comes death.

hari said...

Oh Swahilya, I am sorry i put up my comments without reading either robbie's or yours. It is a sheer coincidence that my comment was as sum up of both.

Ganesh said...


Jo said...

"when it does strike, there is no way to escape but just bear it in silence".

Very tue!

Ganesh said...

Check my blog for a surprise :)

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