A very interesting thought cropped up while I was riding to my office. Conversing with my own mind. During that 45-minute ride, I discovered that all the work that I could not run up and do myself without much difficulty would be finished smoothly by my mind.
This was probably the genie that was asked to do work by Allauddin and his magic lamp, I guessed. So, if I had a big list of things to do, file my income tax returns on time, get to the assignment on time and write my copy well, and all the odd jobs and small and big purchases that I have to do. I found out that the mind is very much like my body, with a capacity to finish the work I give it, instantly at the speed of thought. Like the genie that threatened to eat the master up if he did not keep giving it work, the mind I found finished all the work to come back to me in a jiffy. And so I ordered, "Do the work I ask you to do. The rest of the time, you will sit quietly in meditation."
Whether it is dance or martial arts, the training is to practice all the movements in the mind, when body is seated at rest. Lo and behold, the body just springs into action when the practice has happened in the invisible domain. But there are times when the mind refuses to co-operate. For example, I was trying to practice the exercise of squatting on one foot, rising and squatting on the other, which I found it difficult during my Karate practice. The exercise refused to happen even in the mind, when no body movement was involved.
I thought at first that this was because there was a mind block that prevented me. My Guru, Swami Akshara corrected me: No it's not a mind block. Your mind is very realistic and not co-operating when you want to do unrealistic exercises. If that is the case, you will even begin practising to crawl up the wall or even get flying!"
A very interesting world indeed when the groundwork for the visible happens in the realms of the invisible.
- Swahilya.
Dear Swahilya.. I am into your blog for the second time. All the articles are very interesting and moreover they occupy some part of mind for some part of an hour. I don't know why? May be you are speaking the truth.
Well ! continue to write and I believe I would be a regular reader of yours.
Nice one...(is this just to tell us that ur practicing karate....just kidding)
And i read ur post about Home...and its awesome...
keep writing..
Hey Swahilya: Your posts have motivated me to blog and I did write one earlier this week deriving from your earlier post.
Now, regarding this post, let me share my own experience. It was at the American society of cell biology meetings last december. I was selected to present my work at a minisymposia at the meeting. I thought that the minisymposium would be probably attended by a mini crowd. My boss is more experienced with such stuff and made me script and practice my talk atleast 40 times before the actual meetings started. I went to the meetings expecting the minisymposium to be held in a small hall and found out that it was a giant ball room filled with 2000 people. I was shell shocked when I saw this. I attended various other minisymposia before mine and got more and more nervous, when the time came for me to present I was about to pass out. I walked up the stage and then took control of the curser to the giant screen and still I was shaking in my pants. What followed was just so amazing, words just trickled down, I was in auto pilot, it was as if my mind was taking over my body. After 15 minutes I was done and was recieving a grand round of applause and my boss was beaming at me... That is when I realized how resilient the mind is and how it can easily work on autopilot if programmed adequately. I appreciate you for your thought provoking posts time and again.
go.ganesh: Thank you. Truth by nature is very selfish. If you give it a little place in your mind, it will gnaw and gnaw and soon capture the show. I've learnt to allow that to happen. Afterall truth only, so no harm - all the more good. You must have heard the Tamil proverb: Idam Kodutha Madam Pidippan. If you give him a little space, he will occupy the whole house. That's the way of Truth.
Hi Prakash: I'm learning Karate now, but I've already learnt Kung Fu earlier and I've mentioned about it in my earlier blog. So, it's not to say that I am learning Karate.
Thanks for dropping.
Robbie: Reading this comment feels like reading one of Norman Vincent Peale's narrations. I can feel the way you felt and I can also feel how you would have gone through the whole demonstration. When you have totally given up and surrendered, there is nothing but the divine presence that stands in your place and speaks with the equipment of your mind and body. And the power can move a million hearts into resounding applauses for sure.
your post kind of reminded me of a incident in Vivekanandas life.
The same feeling he had when just before he gave that famous chicago speech, totally unprepared no written material, man prayed to Goddess Saraswathi,started with those great phase 'My Dear Brothers and Sisters of America' and the rest is history.
Ganesh: Thanks for the information. Most of us tend to see the output and say it is wonderful, excellent etc. but fail to see the inspiring source within.
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