Friday, July 15, 2005


.....your caste

You eat your food
And he cleans up your table.
You mess about your room
And she sweeps and mops it clean.
You step on clean porcelain
To relieve yourself
and he with a broom and brush and water
Swipes it sparkling clean.

Think if you had to
Clean up your table,
The mess in your room
Or your toilet bowl.
Two hands are not just enough.

Then why remove the door mat
When your toilet cleaner walks through.
Why throw up your screen cloth
For your servant maid to pass by
Why stand away a distance
When the cesspool cleaner walks past.

Washing plates, cleaning clothes,
Mopping floors and flushing loos,
They do it all
all that you can't do for yourself
He is your hands and legs
That work to make your life better.

Different parts make the body.
Incomplete is the human sans head or toe.
Don't despise anymore
Your own head or foot.
Don't call your own hands untouchables.
Don't avoid seeing your own feet
Just because they are dirty.
Don't squirm at your face
Standing before the mirror.

He and she are your images.
If you can't touch her
Your are an untouchable.
If you keep away from him
Then you have to be kept away from.
If you despise their lot
The it's you who is despicable.

- Swahilya.


Ganesh said...

well said.
All need to be done is put it into practise.
Angadhan engoyyo kottavidaromunnu thonaradhu ?!
Any spiritual person if he/she discriminates than they havent understood the purpose.
Just quoting Adi Shankaras Nirvana Shatakam
I have no fear of death nor any classification of caste
I have no father, no mother, for I was never born
I am not a relative, nor a friend nor a teacher nor a student
I am conciousness and bliss
I am Shiva, I am auspiciousness."

Tat Sat

Misty said...

I happened upon your blog and enjoy the read... very Intresting... My husband is originally from Bangalore... Tamilian... Myself, american...

Thanks for the good read... I will be stopping by more often..

Jo said...

Very nice... I wish if all the other "caste voters" would read this. :-) Nice blog.

Robbie said...

Your current post is tailor made for the current generation, we talk about castes and religion, we talk about spirituality. You clearly have shown the true definition of class, we most often forget to remember the people who make our world a much easier place to live in: the cleaners, we only think about them as untouchables and people who were less capable than we are, we forget their contribution. If I had a printer, I would have printed it and hung it on my wall just to remind myself of my roots. I wish you were a politician, such words would have stung people into an awakening. Awesome!

Robbie said...

Ganesh: I am sorry, but you digress too much from the point by bringing spirituality and spiritual people into this, this is not a question of spiritual thinking at all, it is about how we deal with other people, this is more scientific than anything else.
I dont think we need an adi shankara to tell us this, we know all this but tend to ignore it, period!

Ganesh said...

robbie i dont thinks most of the people who are also religious often forgot the basics.
ie,to see God in all human beings and don't discriminate, "Vayil Enna Mandirama Manasu Enna Endhirama". Look at certain community and you will understand the context in which I said that.

hari said...

Hi Swahilya,

Remember, I once said, that if you are able to see a part of yourself in everybody then there would be no place for anger, greed, jealousy, vengeance etc.. in the dictionary at all.

I got a mail about Swami's programme. I am not here next weekend. Is there any lecture sessions also.

Anonymous said...

The classifications are made by
behaviour and not by birth.
The four aforementioned classifications are attributed to the psyche and not to individuals in the society. The attitude and tendencies of an individual at a particular time or circumstance decide whether you are a brahman
kshatriya, vasya, sudra at that time. So one tend to swing from a brahmin to a shudra or from sudra to a brahman within few minutes from time to time....

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Hi Ganesh: Probably you wanted to quote from Maneesha Panchakam? Nirvana Shatkam is pretty out of place here. Another thing: spirituality or materialism has nothing to do with the ills of caste system. And here there is no finger to point out at another. It is all the doings of the same mind.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thank You Misty. Hope to see you often on the comments column too!
There are quite a few poems I have posted in the initial blogs.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Jo: Thank You. Stirred thoughts can definitely lead to a change in the mindset when it comes to action.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Thanks Robbie. Your comments are in fact getting really awesome, so free-flowing. The joke is even though we have done away with the caste system outwardly in society, it is still being practised surreptitiously in society in many ways, not just caste, but class and so many differences.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Robbie and Ganesh: Yes we don't need an Adi Sankara to say this. But probably the reference helps to show for how many centuries people are fighting the discriminatory mind. But there is no particular caste or community that is to blame, because this discrimination is a question of power. Whichever group wields power at a particular point of time, calls the shots.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Hari: Yes. But seeing everybody as part of oneself is the greatest exercise of life! The weekend programme includes lecture sessions.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

deadhead_living: That's exactly what I have said. When I think I am a brahmin, when I exercise myself to protect those dependent on me, I am a Kshatriya, when I work to provide for others, I am a Vysya, and when I bend down to the floor to clean, mop, wash and hang out to dry, I am a Shudra. Multi-tasking, multiple personality!

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