Monday, September 29, 2014

Patanjali Yoga Sutra – IV - 5

One consciousness and the many

प्रवृत्ति भेदे प्रयोजकं चित्तं एकमनेकेषां |

Pravrutti Bhede Prayojakam Chittam Ekamanekesham||
Consciousness is one. It however divides itself or rather has the capacity to divide itself into two – the seer and the seen. The seer remains the witness and the seen multiplies into many  - the manas – mind with its capacity to generate many different kinds of thoughts, the buddhi which has the capacity to decide firmly on what is the right thought to follow and suitably advice, the chitta which has a memory storehouse to go back to and the Ahamkara whose duty is to say this is my decision, my thought, my memory, my breathing, my joy, my body, my name, my family, country, world, religion…
Among all the different roles of consciousness that appears as natural differences, it is primarily just one. It can be compared to a child playing on the sea sand. The sand that is used to build a castle is just one, but it appears as a fortress, a palace, as a road, a well or a moat. When someone just playfully steps over the sand castle, it returns to its original state of pure sand alone. - SS