Monday, September 16, 2013

Patanjali Yoga Sutra – III – 16

Powers of yogic practice
Parinama Thraya Samyamath Ateeto Anagata Jnanam

By the union of the three states of the mind – Dharma or its basic nature, Lakshana or its quality and Avastha or its state, the Yogi is able to know the past and the future.
 Samyama means Samyak Yamayati or in good control, Whether it is in a state of nirodha or arrested thoughts, when it is throroughly concentrated or in Samadhi where the mind is totally absorbed, the one who practises Samyama brings his awareness to the state of mind. Such a practitioner is able to easily look into the past history of a situation or person and into the future too. - SS