Tajjayath Pragnyallokaha
With practice of Samyama i.e. Dharana - concentration, Dhyana - meditation and Samadhi - the culmination of the mind in state of cosmic consciousness, the person attains to a steady wisdom with certainty. I narrate here a dream that I had this morning of Thursday, January 12. I was preparing to write an exam in Tamil grammar (may be because the previous night I read about the Sage Agastya and his writing a text on Tamil Grammar!). Till after an hour of the examination, I was filling ink in my pen and the ink was mushy. I spent one hour writing nothing. When I saw the first question for the exam I hadn't prepared much for, it said - "Explain the grammatical expression for the word Siva." I began writing - Va is for Vasanas and Si is for Chit. The moment I wrote Chit, I woke up from the dream. I knew it was a dream! Same way I thought, when you are surrounded by thoughts of self-realisation and realised beings, there is the awakening of Chit or consciousness in you. That awakening shows to you that this world is a dream. After I knew that the dream was a dream, it made it meaningless to continue writing the exam. Likewise, when you know this world you live in is a dream, life becomes meaningless, but yet you play on as it is not a dream for the other players in the game! - Swahilya Shambhavi.