Ahimsa Satya Asteya Brahmacharya Aparigrahaha Yamaha|
The five attitudes towards the external world are Ahimsa - non-injury to people, other creatures and material objects - by thought, word and deed and an active practice of compassion, Satya or speaking the truth as it is, in a way that it does not hurt or harm others as it should be in tune with Ahimsa, Asteya - not stealing or taking something that does not belong to you, integrity in using only that which belongs to you, Brahmacharya - treading the path of the Brahman or consciousness in all thoughts, words and action and Aparigrahaha - not acquiring excessive material possessions, more than what you may need.
These five qualities help to purify the mind and make it a fit vehicle to grasp the truth of consciousness. - Swahilya Shambhavi.