Nature drops you to attend to others
कृतार्थं प्रतिनष्टम् अपि नष्टं तदन्य साधारणत्वात्|
Kritartham Prati Nashtam Api Anashtam Tadanya Sadharanatwat|
(On request from a few blog visitors, I have tried my hand with google transliteration! Please excuse me for some errors such as anashtam and sadharan where I am not getting the teevra Na! I promise to get better!)
The nature outside is a beautiful means through which you get to know your true self which is consciousness. But after this self realisation happens, nature no more bothers you. It continues its work however on others who require its agency for their own self transformation.
An athelete runs with and climbs atop the pole vault, cross the bar and gracefully drops the pole and jumps to the other side. The pole is of no use to him when he has crossed and has to be necessarily dropped.
Nevertheless, the pole - nature - continues to serve otyhers who want to cross the bar to fall into the ocean of self realisation. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Pic: Like this cable car in an amusement park, nature takes you on a roller-coaster trip in this world. There is all the thrill or fear until the lessons are mastered and you realise consciousness. Even after you get dropped, the cable car continues shuttling other passengers in the game!)