After the tsunami struck Chennai and rocked the shores of many countries in the east, there have been many seminars and workshops organised by the Government, NGOs and Colleges and Universities.
Speakers will show with powerpoint presentations about what has to be done when a disaster strikes, how the public machinery should be geared, supply of relief measures and all post-disaster activity planning.
What hit me was none of the speakers have ever thought of what to do to manage themselves in the event of calamities. What has one got to do? You may ask. Meditation is the answer. It cannot happen at the moment of crisis. The training and practise has to begin now. We do not have control over a calamity - tsunami will strike when it pleases, mountains will slide when they wish, rains will pour according to their desire and droughts and floods may happen when nature wills. Anything can happen. The preparedness is not a question of physical preparation, but of the mind.
A silent mind, performs the best during a calamity. On several occasions, I have experienced being deep in meditation in the midst of a panicky crowd can calm down the total mind in the place and make everyone act with awareness. A positive frame of mind can turn a potential tragedy into one of happiness and joy.
So what does one do in the face of calamities. Silence, prayer, chanting, breathing in and out deeply and meditation. Whatever happens after that is the best.